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24 <br /> 1 surveys were conducted, there were focus groups, etc. She said it can be done that way, but <br /> 2 everyone will need to understand that it will not yield full community participation. <br /> 3 Travis Myren reiterated that the have been told they didn't do enough outreach with that <br /> 4 approach. <br /> 5 Bonnie Hammersley said during the recovery plan a lot of people didn't want to <br /> 6 participate in focus groups even by Zoom and didn't want to complete a survey. <br /> 7 Commissioner Hamilton said this outreach was also during COVID. <br /> 8 Bonnie Hammersley reiterated that this outreach was still conducted electronically. She <br /> 9 said in her experience in county government, it is the forgotten government. She said since it is <br /> 10 the safety net, not everyone knows about what the county does. <br /> 11 Chair Price agreed with Bonnie Hammersley and said despite trying to provide education <br /> 12 on county government, many people don't pay attention unless taxes are raised. She also <br /> 13 asked how heavily they should rely on departments to help with outreach because policies will <br /> 14 impact the work they will do and they have a good idea of what is out there. <br /> 15 Lydian Altman said she agreed, and she would recommend starting with a context <br /> 16 setting which would include department directors. <br /> 17 Commissioner Fowler asked Lydian Altman for an estimate on a strategic plan that <br /> 18 includes performance management. <br /> 19 Lydian Altman said she can't remember exactly, but it was around another $50,000 <br /> 20 which included helping departments operationalize the performance management piece. <br /> 21 Commissioner Greene said she volunteered to talk to TJCOG about strategic planning <br /> 22 services they offer, but she doesn't have enough information yet about what the Board is <br /> 23 looking for to get specific responses. <br /> 24 Bonnie Hammersley said she will talk to TJCOG. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bedford asked what the survey that was given out at the DSS Toy Chest <br /> 26 was for. <br /> 27 Travis Myren said that survey helped inform One Orange. <br /> 28 Commissioner Bedford said that really worked and could be done again. <br /> 29 Chair Price asked when the Board's goal was for completion. <br /> 30 Commissioner Bedford said she would like it to be less than a year. She said she wants <br /> 31 to be streamlined if possible, and limiting some of the community engagement would be okay <br /> 32 for now because it is a living document and should be reviewed annually. <br /> 33 Lydian Altman said she would recommend annual review as well, or at least every other <br /> 34 year to evaluate any needed changes. She said another scope issue would be assessing <br /> 35 organizational values and how they guide the organization and employees, as well as how to <br /> 36 communicate. She said the plan can be used to drive culture. She said the plan is critical, but <br /> 37 the process is just as important. <br /> 38 Chair Price said as the plan is promoted, it gives an opportunity for people to be <br /> 39 involved. <br /> 40 Lydian Altman said in addition to the number of operational plans the Board discussed <br /> 41 earlier, there are likely a number of engagement plans developed already as well that could be <br /> 42 incorporated. <br /> 43 Commissioner Richards asked Lydian Altman for a realistic timeline. <br /> 44 Lydian Altman said she thinks this could get done in 9-12 months. <br /> 45 Chair Price said she thinks this should be done before the next budget cycle. <br /> 46 Commissioner Richards said she thinks visioning should be done by the spring. <br /> 47 Lydian Altman said she thinks it's possible. <br /> 48 Commissioner Hamilton said part of how they work as a Board is how they manage their <br /> 49 time. She said they normally have the retreat in January and it would be conducive to work on <br /> 50 planning during that time, but that would set them back on the desired timeline if they waited <br /> 51 until then. She suggested the Board determine if there are work sessions where these <br />