Agenda - 09-20-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 09-20-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-20-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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9/15/2022 2:24:03 PM
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9/15/2022 2:13:52 PM
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Agenda for September 20, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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11 <br /> 1 Commissioner Richards said it is amazing and impressive that there are 10 pages of <br /> 2 accomplishments to begin with, and the COVID response by itself crossed over so many areas. <br /> 3 She said almost everything is significant. She also commented that she has sometimes <br /> 4 struggled to connect an item that comes to the Board with the social justice goal or <br /> 5 environmental goal that is listed on the abstract. She said since the goals are from 2016-17, the <br /> 6 Board needs a process that includes strategy, goals, and the process to update the goals, and <br /> 7 how that ties into the departments in order to update them. <br /> 8 Chair Price said there was no strategic plan and there was push back because past <br /> 9 boards did not want to do strategic planning, but this Board does. She said by not doing this, <br /> 10 interconnectedness is missed. <br /> 11 Commissioner Bedford said she was shocked to learn during her orientation that the <br /> 12 Board at the time did not have a strategic plan because she is used to having that, including <br /> 13 having the community's input. She said strategic planning is expensive and if the strategic plan <br /> 14 is only looked at once a year it is a waste of time and money. She said she took a class on <br /> 15 strategic planning before the pandemic and heard from other elected officials who use strategic <br /> 16 plans and tie it to their long range planning and budgeting to it. She said there are initiatives the <br /> 17 county is working on now that a strategic plan would help tie together. She said they need to <br /> 18 know how to make it a living document. <br /> 19 Bonnie Hammersley said it is correct that there were people opposed to strategic <br /> 20 planning on the Board in the past, but when she came to the county, she used a different term <br /> 21 and called it goal setting. She said as County Manager, it is important to know what the goals <br /> 22 and priorities of the Board are and if some are required by law. She said the goals are helpful <br /> 23 and helped accomplish everything that has been accomplished thus far. She also said she <br /> 24 budgets based on the goals of the Board. She said the executive team shares what <br /> 25 departments' responsibilities are within those goals and how to work towards them. Bonnie <br /> 26 Hammersley said she doesn't think the county has been operating blind, but it would be helpful <br /> 27 for the Board to regularly review and update the goals. She said the county is still the safety net <br /> 28 for the most vulnerable and still has to fund schools, but it would be helpful for additional goals <br /> 29 to be updated. She said she thinks this is the proper forum to develop a plan for this update and <br /> 30 review. She also shared that each department has a strategic plan to guide how each <br /> 31 department administratively functions in order to meet the Board's goals. <br /> 32 Commissioner Greene said she appreciates the clarification, because she did not think <br /> 33 she was on a board that did not have goals. She said the goals that are in place is how the <br /> 34 county has achieved all that it has. She said she is not as heavily invested in the idea that the <br /> 35 Board has to have a "strategic plan," as long as they know what their goals are. <br /> 36 Commissioner Fowler said she can see both sides. As a realist, she doesn't like wasting <br /> 37 time and doesn't want to do something just for branding. She said when seeing the budget, it is <br /> 38 clear that the departments have goals, but she thinks it would be helpful for a central set of <br /> 39 goals to guide the Board. She said these could be informed by the goals and plans the county <br /> 40 already has in place so as to not reinvent the wheel, but said she agrees with Commissioner <br /> 41 Bedford's earlier point that community input on the goals and planning is important. <br /> 42 Commissioner Hamilton said in her experience, she understands the hesitation of putting <br /> 43 in significant time for a strategic plan, but believes goals are not enough. She said the goals are <br /> 44 broad and do not show how the board will strategize and prioritize in order to achieve each goal. <br /> 45 She gave an example of how school facilities are not meeting the needs of students, but is not <br /> 46 listed as a priority. She said strategic planning for her is getting beyond goals that the Board <br /> 47 doesn't operationalize because they're broad. She said the Board is at the point now where they <br /> 48 are going to have to make trade-offs in decision making. She said they can have an efficient <br /> 49 strategic planning process, but believes they need something beyond goals. <br /> 50 Commissioner Bedford said it gives the Board the opportunity to apply the GARE <br /> 51 principles to the plan, which would help the Board with each of their decisions. <br />
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