Orange County NC Website
former US Congressional Candidate, former NC Deputy Tribal <br />Engagement Director and Political Director. She also founded three <br />non-profits, one of which, 7 Directions of Serv ice, is an Indigenous- <br />led, multi-racial, grassroots adv ocacy organization centering on the <br />needs of low-income, working-class, and BIPOC communities within <br />North Carolina. 7 Directions of Serv ice organized the Haw Riv er W ater <br />W alk, an Indigenous-led 300-mile ceremonial walk from the <br />headwaters of the Haw Riv er. <br />The total cost to fund this project is $4,000. Of this total budget, 50% <br />is allocated for a musician honorarium for Troop. 100% of the grant <br />funds will be used to pay the musician. The remaining project costs <br />will be cov ered by priv ate contributions and will cov er the cost of <br />v ideo production, organizing personnel, and marketing expenses. <br />Community Impact The upcoming national march for Leonard Peltier’s freedom will be <br />the biggest yet. Peltier is the longest-held Indigenous prisoner in the <br />United States and considering his failing health and the United <br />States’s current political climate, this could be the last year for Peltier <br />to finally find freedom. His political imprisonment epitomizes the <br />systemic injustice Indigenous people face - not only in the United <br />States, but globally. <br />W ith the help of NC-based Indigenous organizer, Crystal Cav alier, <br />this kick-off ev ent will engage inter-tribal (many tribes) communities. <br />W ith Cav alier’s organizing expertise, Troops’ artistic platform, and <br />their joint connections to NC-based community leaders spanning the <br />Saponi, Lumbee, and Cherokee nations among others, we expect <br />100-200 Indigenous people to attend from div erse indigenous and <br />allied communities. W ith Troop’s powerful song, we will be able to <br />garner attention not only for the local ev ent but also the national <br />campaign, which is excluded from mainstream media. <br />Not only will this timely song attract people to our ev ent, but it will <br />also raise awareness of Peltier’s imprisonment and the injustices that <br />Indigenous communities face. The media will help connect <br />Indigenous communities not only on a local lev el but on a regional <br />and national lev el as well. W e will liv e stream our Orange County <br />ev ent - including the premiere of Troop’s song - and offer a v irtual <br />community space for those who cannot physically attend the ev ent. <br />Many organizations will come together to support this ev ent: 17 <br />Riv ers American Indian Mov ement of North Carolina, Eastern <br />W oodland Lacrosse, and Missing and Indigenous W omen of North <br />Carolina. Members of these organizations will speak at the ev ent. <br />Community spiritual elders will also speak. Troop will perform his <br />song and the present community will promote it v ia liv estream and <br />liv e posting on social media. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 9A6AA2C9-9EAB-49CB-8AF3-C941B61D6A84