Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2b <br />Comprehensive Plan Consistency Coordinator (CPCC) <br />The Planning Department, Comprehensive Planning Division, will offer a <br />dedicated liaison planner to work with other departments and their advisory <br />boards as they undertake their specific element update, This will not be a lead <br />planning or planner role for individual elements, but a function that ensures <br />consistency in element format and layout, The CPCC is not involved in the <br />development of the respective element's content, but may provide base <br />demographic and socio-economic data. The liaison planner would be involved <br />as needed, through the development of each Comprehensive Plan element. <br />Specifically, the role of the Planning CPCC will be to: <br />Ensure that a consistent process is used for the development of each <br />element (see attached) <br />Ensure a consistent structure/layout (i.e. format, numbering scheme, font, <br />etc,) <br />Ensure consistent use of demographic and socio-economic data <br />Provide Planning Department perspective on any recommendations that <br />include amendments to the land use ordinances that are administered by <br />the Planning Department (i,e. zoning, subdivision, etc.) The objective is to <br />convey possible pros and cons of proposed amendments(s) but not to <br />discourage innovative ideas and solutions. <br />Lead Advisory Board(s) Role <br />During stakeholder identification, the initial step in the Element preparation <br />process, a lead advisory board or in some cases boards, will be determined. The <br />role of the Lead Advisory Board(s) will be to work with staff as the steering <br />committee for the overall creation or completion of the respective Element. The <br />Lead Advisory Board(s) will meet periodically to provide oversight <br />recommendations and serve as a sounding board for concepts and draft text. <br />The Lead Advisory Board(s) may create subcommittees to draft specific sections <br />of the draft Element for presentation to the full Board. Therefore, the entire Lead <br />Advisory Board(s) may only meet 2-3 times over the course of a year, with <br />subcommittees meeting more frequently during the development stage. <br />Advisory Board Liaison Role <br />Other county advisory boards, not playing a lead role in the process of <br />developing a respective Element, will be asked to appoint a liaison and an <br />alternate to attend and participate in Lead Advisory Board meetings. The <br />liaisons will be responsible for providing feedback to and perspective from their <br />board. <br />G:\Comprehensive Planning I)iv\GENE\2005 Public Hearings\Aug 22 (Changed to WS)\LUE and CP\Att 26-Element <br />Preparation Roles.doc <br />