Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2b <br />Comprehensive Plan Element Preparation Roles <br />Board of County Commissioners~BOCC <br />The Board of County Commissioners will be responsible for the oversight and <br />direction of the Comprehensive Plan and the development or update of each of <br />the Elements included in the Plan, The role of the BOCC during the Element <br />completion or update process can be divided into two parts: <br />Part 1 -Development and Informal Comment <br />• Adopt a goal to complete or develop an Element <br />• Approve initiation of the Element development or update process <br />• Approve the schedule and process to be used far the development or update <br />of the Element, including identification of "Primary" and "Liaison" advisory <br />boards. <br />• Receive and review draft element <br />Part 2 -Formal Comment and Adoption <br />Conduct Public Hearing(s) <br />• Receive recommendation from "Lead" advisory board(s) <br />• Hear and weigh citizen comments, including "Liaison" advisory boards and <br />other county advisory boards that may wish to comment <br />If identified by staff and/or advisory boards, reconcile <br />differences/inconsistencies in goals, objectives, and policies between <br />Elements <br />• Adopt Element <br />Prioritize implementation of action strategies among the uarious <br />Comprehensive Plan Elements <br />Element Project Manager <br />There will be a Project Manager for each individual element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan, The Element Project Manager will be primarily responsible <br />for all aspects of the element preparation process including: filling out a RADAR <br />form, preparing meeting agendas, research, conducting meetings, and <br />developing draft documents, presenting materials at public hearings, providing <br />administrative assistance, providing interim and final reports to BOCC and other <br />associated boards.. <br />G:\Comprehensive Planning Div\GENE~005 Aublic Hearings\Aug 22 (Changed to WS)\LUE and CP\Att 26-Element <br />Preparation Roles doc <br />