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22 <br /> she has not been convinced that there is harm that has been inflicted and she thinks that it is <br /> important to allow people to protest in these circumstances. <br /> Commissioner Richards thanked everyone for attending tonight. She said she believes <br /> they have concerns about the school district that she hopes they are addressing those in a <br /> forum other than just with the Board of Commissioners. She said she has respect for the right <br /> of protestors and is disappointed in some of the reaction here. She said that it seems they are <br /> saying that other people's concerns are not valid. She said that her concern is they were <br /> presented with evidence. She said if they could accept that other people could be impacted in <br /> ways that they are not, then people can be fair. She said that her biggest concern is the doubt <br /> that Charles Lopez spoke to. She said she isn't ready to make a decision tonight. She said she <br /> would like to understand more about the harm. She said she agrees with 450 feet and the other <br /> recommendations by the county attorney. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she has participated in a demonstration on school property. <br /> She said it was in support of teachers. She said the ordinance would make it more difficult but <br /> weighing that against the student need to feel safe in a learning space which is tremendously <br /> more important than inconvenience of finding a different place to protest. She said she <br /> appreciates hearing the people's opinions and she appreciates that. She said that does not <br /> mean we reserve the right to say anything, anytime, anywhere. She said the lack of an arrest <br /> does not mean a lack of harm. She said she has been robbed in her office and she was not <br /> physically harmed, and no one was arrested, but it leaves doubt. She said that if children do not <br /> feel safe, they are required to go to school, and we want them to feel safe. She said it is <br /> reasonable to consider how to make them feel safe. She said there are other ways to express <br /> their opinions in emails, Facebook, at school board meetings, and at Board of Commissioners <br /> meetings. She said that she agrees with the 450 feet. She said that if people feel the need to <br /> wait, she said she is happy to wait. <br /> Chair Price said this came to the Board from parents, school board members, and <br /> students. She said they received a document from students. She said they are addressing <br /> those concerns. She thanked the County Attorney for helping with this as was requested by the <br /> Board. She also thanked the public for their points of view. She said that what bothers her is <br /> that there is a gross misunderstanding of what this is about. She said from her perspective, the <br /> Board was addressing a need to protect student's learning environment during school hours. <br /> She said any other time outside of school hours, they can say whatever they want to say. She <br /> said there are misunderstandings. She said the curriculum had nothing to do with this <br /> ordinance. She said that her concern was to let the children go to school and not be bothered. <br /> She said that she agreed with lessening the distance. She said no one is here tonight to speak <br /> in favor, and the Board is in the middle, which is why she would be willing to wait, depending on <br /> motion made by colleagues. She said she is concerned that the school board will be changing <br /> in the next two weeks. She said the two coming on have been in the schools on a daily basis <br /> and communicating on a daily basis. She said some people might think it is kicking the can <br /> down the road but at the same time, there is a new school board that is going to be seated that <br /> would have to carry out what is decided by the Board. She said that if there are concerns about <br /> curriculum and the library, that is not what this is about, whatsoever. She said the Board is not <br /> trying to restrict what is said to the school board. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked John Roberts when this first came to the county. <br /> John Roberts said it was either January 2022 or before. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he understands the need to be deliberative. He said this is <br /> the second reading of it, because this law requires that it be a second reading. He said he <br /> doesn't know what is to be gained by pushing it down the road. He said he mentioned about <br /> the effect of protests to address social justice issues and injustices. He said that growing up in <br /> the 1950s and 1960s he heard people say they would address the racial issues later, but did <br />