Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> Courtney Geels said she is the Republican Nominee for US Congress District 4. She <br /> said she grew up in Hillsborough and went through the school system of Orange County. She <br /> said she is appalled at the direction this Board is going. She said this ordinance is targeting <br /> parents. She said that if she is elected, if she disagrees with a constituent, she will still listen to <br /> them. She said they are working against a group of their own constituents if this regulation is <br /> passed. She said they are all aware of the events that led up to the May elections. She said <br /> there is a coordinated effort between the school board, Orange County government, and now <br /> the County Commission and that it is very manipulative and unconstitutional. She said this is <br /> blatantly against the First Amendment and that it is the Sheriff's duty to uphold the peoples' <br /> constitutional rights. She said that if this is passed it is a message that they do not care about <br /> the Constitution. She said if the Sheriff then chooses to enforce the regulation, then he is <br /> saying to the citizens that he is denying the oath of his office to defend the constitution of North <br /> Carolina and the US Constitution. She said that if Sheriff Blackwood enforces this it will be a lie <br /> to the people and to God. She said there will be legal ramifications against each of them if they <br /> pass this. <br /> David Ogden said to please excuse him if he is a little emotional. He said that his 12- <br /> year-old daughter lost her two last baby teeth this week and while it is the cutest smile ever, it is <br /> a reminder that it is the end of a phase for her. He said that he should be with her tonight, <br /> listening to her read and laugh, and talk about her day but instead, he has to be at the meeting <br /> to defend her future against would-be tyrants. He said that the fact that this regulation is even <br /> coming up for a vote reveals that most of the commissioners have a complete disregard for the <br /> Bill of Rights. He said that this ordinance would strip residents of right to peaceably assemble. <br /> He said that it depends on fear and submission to suppress. He said that like the school board, <br /> this Board has a palpable fear of citizens in the community exposing bad actions by elected <br /> officials. He said that the efforts that they are afraid of are tantamount to rebel. He said imagine <br /> what those that seek to shed light could do with more time and more motivation. He asked if <br /> they think this ordinance will weaken those that stand for liberty. He said that their actions only <br /> serve to expose those who vote for these as Machiavellian usurpers of Constitutional rights. He <br /> said that the days of no accountability are over. He said that he will be watching and will be <br /> disseminating the results of each of their votes to the community. <br /> Kathy Arab said this ordinance is unconstitutional. She said it violates the rights of any <br /> person that shares a difference world view than that of Orange County's social justice goals. <br /> She said that it diminishes individuality. She said that the people elected the commissioners, so <br /> the people should carry as much as or more weight than any non-governmental office or from <br /> those that provide grant monies with strings attached. She said that America's founders were <br /> thinking of them when they wrote the constitution. She said that measuring the social justice <br /> impact of the ordinance is interesting to her because the dictionary definition of social justice is <br /> state redistribution — which is politics and power — about groups and not individual. She said <br /> that critical social justice is inherently incompatible with the world view prevalence in the <br /> Constitution. She said that the difference is that social justice defines equity as the same <br /> outcomes and the Constitution defines justice as equality, the same opportunities. She said that <br /> social justice missions to redress grievances is defined by critical theories. She said that means <br /> that any time the numbers aren't equal, you know there isn't equity, but this doesn't align with <br /> the natural world. She said that critical social justice is narrow and authoritarian. She said that <br /> the people are not intent on gaining political power to force people to do justice. She said that <br /> their greatest desire is the freedom to express their convictions. She said that critical social <br /> justice does not tolerate a variety of ideas because critical social justice is a source and means <br /> of oppression. She quoted Milton Freeman — "A society that puts equality, in the sense of <br /> equality of outcomes, ahead of freedom, will end up with neither equality nor freedom...use of <br /> force to achieve equality will destroy freedom and the force introduced for good purposes will <br />