Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Recent changes to North Carolina law provide that when a local ordinance involves a potential <br /> criminal penalty, the ordinance may not be adopted at the meeting at which it is first introduced. <br /> Such an ordinance may only be adopted at the next regular meeting following its introduction. <br /> Because one potential penalty of this ordinance is trespass, which is a statutory misdemeanor, <br /> this ordinance may only be adopted at its second reading. First reading for this proposed <br /> ordinance occurred at the Board's June 7, 2022 Business meeting. <br /> John Roberts said this is the fifth time this has been on an agenda for the Board to <br /> discuss. He said that each time it has gotten smaller, and he recommends that it get a bit <br /> smaller tonight. He said it would prohibit protests on school property when there are students <br /> present for any purpose. He said that there are three types of public forum as it relates to <br /> government property. He said the traditional public forum, limited public forum, and nonpublic <br /> forum are the types. He said that in a traditional public forum, the government may not regulate <br /> speech and gave the example that the courthouse steps or the lawn around the courthouse <br /> would be places where speech could not be regulated. He said that a limited public forum is a <br /> government property that has been specifically designated for freedom of expression but is <br /> subject to certain kinds of limitation, either time, place, and manner, or event content, but it has <br /> to be very narrow. He said that the Eno Arts Mill would be an example of this type of property <br /> with artists having political works. He said that a non-public forum is something that is not <br /> traditional or limited, or a designated area. He said that an example would be government <br /> offices, the jail, public schools, and things like that. He said that the Supreme Court has said <br /> that a government may place limits on spaces that are non-public forums, which is what school <br /> properties are. <br /> Chair Price said she should have prefaced this by saying that this was brought to the <br /> Board by residents, so the Board is responding to those concerns. <br /> John Roberts said that the recommendation for a change with the words "vigil" and <br /> "observation." He said those were left over from sample ordinances from other jurisdictions but <br /> does not fit the legal definition for the use of those words. He said that his recommendation is to <br /> change the definition of picketer/picketing to the activity or circumstance whereby one or more <br /> persons gather together for a common purpose for a protest or demonstration which primarily <br /> promotes or objects to a person, policy, political candidate issue or action. He said that is the <br /> only specific change that he recommended. He said that he notified the Board earlier that when <br /> he was reviewing other buffer regulations that the county has developed by ordinance that the <br /> 1,000 feet that was requested by the school board does seem extremely lengthy. He said that <br /> the next closest buffer regulation is 150 yards or 450 feet. He recommended the Board <br /> consider another distance. <br /> Chair Price said she received an email from Patrick Abele, and he said 1,000 feet is the <br /> distance for registered sex offenders. <br /> Commissioner McKee said going back to the definition, one person may be considered <br /> a picketer. <br /> John Roberts said it could be. He said that there was originally a minimum number and <br /> the Board discussed that a minimum was not needed. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that "any common purpose" is pretty broad. He said that <br /> removing "vigil" and "observation" leaves protest, demonstrations, or other action. He said that <br /> his other issue is with "or other action." He asked the attorney to define "other action." <br /> John Roberts said he removed that in his recommendation because it was subjective. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that she does not see the new recommendation in the <br /> attorney portal or the other email. <br /> John Roberts said that the recommendation is what he just read and that he sent an <br /> email that contained the language. <br />