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11 <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked about the verification process decreasing the funding from <br /> 9,898 to 6,370 addresses and the final payment. <br /> Travis Myren said by the time they have reached final payment there will have been two <br /> other payments that are scheduled installments, and this would be the balance remaining. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if they do not have to serve all 6,370 to receive the final <br /> payment. <br /> Travis Myren said by the end of the payment schedule, all 6,370 will be served but there <br /> is an installment prior to the final that reflects the balance of addresses. He said when you add <br /> all the houses served it will add up to 6,370. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if new addresses that are unserved came on. She asked <br /> about the schedule delay related to this. <br /> Travis Myren said the first scheduled payment was to serve 3,000 addresses but the <br /> location was not defined. He said that what was left were the addresses that were in the <br /> furthest parts of the county. He said that takes more fiber and more work to reach those first <br /> 3,000. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if this moved back the final completion date. <br /> Travis Myren said everything gets bumped back by two months, so the final date is now <br /> May-June 2023. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he wants to clarify that the reduction from 9,898 to 6,370, <br /> does not mean that there are 3,000 homes that are unserved, they just aren't on this list <br /> because Spectrum challenged their viability. <br /> Travis Myren said yes, county grants can't provide services to served addresses. <br /> Commissioner McKee said Spectrum is saying 25/3, but some are getting 10/1. He said <br /> that Spectrum may be on legal grounds for the county not being able to use grant funds, but <br /> NorthState can fund it on their own. <br /> Slide #3 <br /> North State Service Area Revised <br /> ed <br /> Travis Myren said any unserved address within the service area, NorthState has an <br /> obligation to serve. <br />