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9 <br /> network. She said that she does not know if they can measure the exact impact of it, but it is a <br /> retention and recruitment tool. She said that she shared the amendments with department <br /> directors, and it caused some concern. She said they have not had it for a few years. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said that when weighing the recruitment and retention with county <br /> staff versus school staff, she said they are giving 3% raises, disability insurance, and parental <br /> leave. She said that these are things the schools are trying to provide and that they currently <br /> have no parental leave and no disability leave. She said this is not completely cutting it but <br /> cutting it in half. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if ARPA funds could be used for travel and training. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it could not be used for discretionary travel and training. <br /> Chair Price said she is concerned. She said they are responsible for 1,000 people who <br /> work for the county. She said she has received a lot of training over the years and that it <br /> provides education, networking, and it improves morale. She said that going to conferences and <br /> trainings, people get ideas that could be implemented at Orange County. She said that staff <br /> across departments need to keep up with the times. She said she feels it is their job to focus on <br /> retaining the county staff and treating them properly. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she supported the amendment because she thinks that the <br /> travel requiring hotel stays will decrease. She said that they can look next year for increased <br /> demand. She said that children not having teachers is more important. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is a good versus a good. She said she places trust and <br /> value in the County Manager and department heads. She said that they will not be able to hire <br /> many teachers with $250,000 split between two school districts. She said that the amount would <br /> be distributed across departments here and will be used. She said that she does not support <br /> the amendment. She said she has to ask if this gets them the right bang for the buck. She said <br /> that she trusts management and department heads. She said they could review it next year <br /> and decrease it if it is not all spent. She thinks it is an important benefit to attract and retain <br /> employees. <br /> Commissioner Richards said it has been a hard time for all employers. She said she <br /> cannot say teachers versus county employees, and she does not want to give that perception to <br /> the employees. She said that once you split $250k between two districts there is not the same <br /> impact when comparing it to all county employee training. She said that she is inclined to go <br /> with manager's recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Bedford, Commissioner Hamilton, and Commissioner Fowler were in <br /> favor of amendment 22-23OP-006 which would increase school funding by $250,000 and <br /> reduce travel and training for all county departments by $250,000. Chair Price, Commissioner <br /> Greene, Commissioner McKee, and Commissioner Richards were opposed. <br />