Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> management of how they are evaluated is worth considering because it has implications far <br /> broader than just $500,000. She said that even if she agreed that schools are in crisis, she said <br /> they has to be very careful about where they take it from. She said that she did not agree that <br /> this was a fiscally sound decision. <br /> Chair Price said they have a responsibility to the people who have worked for the <br /> county. She said she wants to avoid setting the county up for a bad reputation on how they <br /> manage their finances. She said that she would prefer to find the funds elsewhere. She said <br /> she does not feel that taking from one to give to another. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she was a very conservative person, and originally had <br /> concerns about the proposed amendment. She agreed that the schools are in crisis and <br /> lacking a teacher is a crisis. She suggested taking only $250,000 for the schools and leaving <br /> $250,000 for the OPEB Trust Fund. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she would accept that amendment. <br /> Chair Price asked the County Manager if ARPA funds could be used for a teacher <br /> retention program. <br /> Gary Donaldson said under revenue replacement there is some cushion, and it could be <br /> done. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she thought it was an eligible use. She said when the county <br /> gives ARPA funds to other entities, the county signs an agreement with the entity that they will <br /> do all of the reporting. She said the county does not budget funds for the schools by line item, <br /> and that the county cannot tell the school districts how to use the funds. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if ARPA funds could be used to supplant SRO or nurse <br /> funds for school resource officers and other positions and then use the funds for the schools. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she did not think it would be an eligible use because those <br /> positions did not come up as a need during the COVID-19 pandemic. She said the county <br /> cannot supplant ongoing expenses with ARPA. <br /> Chair Price asked if it were a teacher retention program would it work. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that salaries would be a current expense and she did not think <br /> that would be an eligible use. She said that she would be very cautious about that. She said <br /> that she does not want to get into a mess in 2024 over ARPA funding and management. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said that Gary Donaldson's report made it clear that there is no <br /> threat to their bond rating. <br /> Gary Donaldson said it has not been a concern at the rating agencies. He said the <br /> other part of that is that jurisdictions are beginning to do a multi-tiered approach and prefunding <br /> an irrevocable trust. He said that is the reason for a slow and incremental approach. He said <br /> the actuary may show a higher rate of return when they do their report. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said right now it will not affect our bond rating. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she did not read it that way. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said it is something in the future that might affect the bond <br /> rating. She said that it is not something we need to be concerned about now. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that this could create a bigger gap to fill in the future and <br /> that will have to be addressed. She said that anything they do for the schools this year will be <br /> part of their budget in future years and will continue. She said by adding additional funds they <br /> would be creating a situation where there will be less to put into the fund in the future. She said <br /> that schools would start out in a higher place than where they are now. <br /> Commissioner McKee said it is easy to create funding for worthy projects. He said that <br /> they create precedents and expectations. He said they create programs that take on a life of its <br /> own. He said that they have set the precedent of not funding OPEB and allowing the liability to <br /> grow from $60 million to $160 million in 10 years. He said that he does not think that the <br /> additional funding of $500,000 will affect the schools. He said they have the #1 and #3 school <br />