Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> Saundra Freeman said that she has percentages but not actual dollar contributions but <br /> could go back and look. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if the renegotiation of percentages was also due to things <br /> that Durham wanted to add to the project. <br /> Saundra Freeman said yes but there were also agreements in terms of viability to what <br /> the sales tax bases could bring. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the county's contribution was a little over$29 million. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked her to briefly summarize where she thought the project <br /> broke down. <br /> Saundra Freeman said that it broke down when two of their partners, NCRR and Duke, <br /> had concerns that had not been previously discussed. She said at that time, the Board decided <br /> the project needed to be terminated because they could not break through those issues. <br /> Chair Price said that the state legislature also reduced the amount of funding they had <br /> originally planned. <br /> Saundra Freeman said they were operating with minimal state participation. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if the state funding was originally expected to be there. <br /> Saundra Freeman said yes, and that Charlotte received 25% from the state for their light <br /> rail project and the thought was this project would receive the same, but they ended up at 7%. <br /> She said there was also a time requirement to move between phases and once they realized <br /> they were not going to solve the NCRR and Duke concerns, it was clear they would not meet <br /> the timeline. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if those two partners had signed agreements and then <br /> backed out on them. <br /> Saundra Freeman said they were not signed and that is a lesson they have learned <br /> whether it be MOUs or something legally binding. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that Duke warned them for years about going through their <br /> campus. <br /> Chair Price said even Wake County has changed how they do business. <br /> Katherine Eggleston, chief development officer, continued the presentation: <br /> Slide #9 <br /> Management and Design <br /> $12AI422,192 of dotal expenses was spent on project managemen t,design,a nd other consulti ng services needed to prepare the <br /> proJect for federal funding ano constructlon, <br /> the majorlty of these expenses was related to four major consu Iting contracts,as approved by the GoTriangle Boa fd of Trustees: <br /> -URSJAECOM was the Project developmentConsutant IPCCI,PCCexpensestutared$26,722,82& <br /> I NOR 14a9[heC,eneral Engineering ConsUltaat(GECI.GEC ekperie5[Otaled$36,775,632. <br /> HNTBwasthe Pr4ErBm ManagernentGvnsultart(PMC),PMCexpenses tote led 512,065.515, <br /> Game[t-FlernmgfWSPJOIn[venture wvwibeConstrut[lanMan2gemem GansuhantICMQ.CA1C menses wtaled$3,278,525. <br /> f PFM was the Financial Advisor Jwww.pfrn= ). Finan€ial Advisor expenses totaled$1,061,1155. Ji1I Jaworski was the contract <br /> signatory for PFNI. <br /> Expenses for E-0010er project management software totaled%i5.a m, <br /> Engineering review reimksursemerits totaled W;.1?6. <br />