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10 <br /> helps to show that you are you paying attention to the liability. She said this is a new GASB <br /> rule that started before 2009, right after the Enron situation. She said governments began <br /> thinking "what if that happens in the public sector?" She said the GASB rule said governments <br /> had to show liabilities on the balance sheet. <br /> Commissioner Fowler clarified that this is not an insurance plan, but money set aside to <br /> pay the liability. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said no. She said the issue is that once you put it in the trust, you <br /> cannot take it out. She said it is a best practice, but you can only use it when you need it. She <br /> said when you need it would be a troublesome time. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked for clarification. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that it would mean that the county did not have money to pay <br /> retirement liabilities, and the trust would be used in that scenario. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked for clarification of what the retirement fund covers. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that the post-employment benefits are health insurance for <br /> county retirees. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked for clarification of the health insurance retirement fund. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said health insurance is budgeted and paid for as "pay as you go." <br /> She said the county pays for it every year. She said that there is an actuarial looks at average <br /> age and how long until retirement for all employees. She said it is not as big of a concern in the <br /> southeast, but in other parts of the country it is more of a concern. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would like to know how much the liability has grown. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said one of the things done during the recession to reduce the <br /> liability was to increase the number of years an employee had to work to receive health <br /> benefits, from 10 to 20 years. She said staff would bring more information about the issue to <br /> the Board. <br /> 3. Public Comments <br /> The Board held a public hearing to receive comments on the FY23 recommended <br /> budget. <br /> Chair Price asked the Clerk to the Board if anyone had signed up to speak at the Chapel <br /> Hill public comment satellite location. <br /> Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board, said no. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to <br /> open the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br /> Joe Bumgarner with OE enterprises and the assistant chief at Caldwell Fire Department. <br /> He thanked Manager and the outside agency volunteers for including funding for OE <br /> Enterprises in the 22/23 FY budget. He said that those funds will be used to help those with <br /> disabilities to find outside employment. He said that Orange County is a leader in helping <br /> community members with disabilities live, work and thrive in the community. He said that he <br /> hopes the commissioners will support the funding. <br />