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16 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Board took a vote to not make budget amendments <br /> between now and the adoption of the manager's recommended budget prior to adoption of FY <br /> 2022-23 budget. She said that a commissioner could run an amendment if they are not on the <br /> outside agency board, but they have not done that in the past. <br /> Chair Price said the Board will be approving an amount and the manager will determine <br /> the specific awards. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that is correct and tonight she is sharing what the amounts of <br /> the awards are. <br /> Chair Price asked John Roberts to comment on what the Board voted on. <br /> John Roberts said that he did not know they had resigned from the governing boards <br /> and that was the point. He said the law makes it a misdemeanor for a county commissioner <br /> who sits on a non-profit board to consider or award funds to those non-profits. He said that <br /> what the Board voted on was taking the Board's authority over the nonprofit boards and <br /> delegating that to the manager to award the money. He said that if everyone has resigned from <br /> being a director on a non-profit board then it is not really necessary that they be completely <br /> excluded from voting on this issue. He said that if the Board wants to revisit their prior motion <br /> that is an option. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she recalls the Board determined to delegate the award <br /> authority to the County Manager with the idea that the Board could revisit the process in a later <br /> year if they feel it is unsatisfactory. She said the Board can limit the total allocation (1.35% to <br /> 1%), and then County Manager will divide the money accordingly between outside agencies. <br /> She said she would be interested in knowing the number served by each outside agency. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the county has that information from applications and they are <br /> required to do that. She said they do not provide payment if the required reporting is not <br /> completed. She said that in this circumstance, she honored every advisory board's ranking of <br /> each outside agency and that she is very comfortable with this. She said when she first came to <br /> the county, eight years ago, the advisory boards were very frustrated because they were doing <br /> all of this work and then the commissioners would start picking favorites and change the <br /> funding allocations. She said that as a reminder, these are a part of the county's operations and <br /> the people that are reviewing the applications know the most about the value of the outside <br /> agencies to the county's operations. She said that if there is a question about why they were <br /> ranked, the applications and rankings are available. She said this is an intense process that the <br /> county follows. She said the advisory boards and department directors do not know the funding <br /> formula ahead of time. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he understands the frustration of an agency if they were to <br /> get a score of 68, but this process is performance driven. He said it is two steps removed from <br /> what the previous Boards used to do. He said that he has seen Boards move money from one <br /> agency to another agency and that was getting too close to pork barrel politics, and he was <br /> glad to see it move away from that. He said that the next step was better, but it is always <br /> subjective, but no way to get away from that. He said there is no way to get away from saying <br /> we have to have a cutoff. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that she wanted to be clear that her initial question was <br /> about process and the law behind the decision the Board made to delegate the awards to the <br /> county manager. She said that other jurisdictions are doing the process differently and they <br /> made a decision about the law but then resigned so their decision does not really come into <br /> play. She said then the Piedmont Health score popped out at her and there is no way for any <br /> person, advisory board, or commissioner to be totally objective when scoring. <br /> Commissioner McKee said for him it was a process. He said that on previous boards <br /> that four votes are all it took to defund one agency and give to another. <br />