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12 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 336 where an equity partner or whatever will come in and get the rezoning and then resell the property at profit. I don't object to <br /> 337 people making profits but I really just wish that the process was better aligned to show that kind of a motive to show the <br /> 338 speculating. I think that speculation is a problem here and the second thing is that I understand you guys are an advisory <br /> 339 board and I understand the Planning Department has to approve things that are within the boundaries of the UDO but I urge <br /> 340 you to really take a closer look at stuff like this and get the word out to the community, use social media,we've exchanged <br /> 341 emails on this. Use the social media to get this out because I think once people are aware of it, they come out and that is what <br /> 342 should be. I live down White Cross Road and I'll come out and say that I oppose this thing but for the reasons I stated not <br /> 343 because of what it is but because of the way it is being held. Thank you. <br /> 344 <br /> 345 Stacy Gamble: My name is Stacy Gamble and everybody here in the community has already spoken and said it so eloquently. <br /> 346 1 have lived in Orange County since 1987, 1 am a member of the Trails Community which is by White Cross and you all are the <br /> 347 banks to the river here so we rely upon your judgement which is very confusing to me when you don't have all the facts. I am <br /> 348 not sure why the process is like that, it seems to me like that should be something that is addressed. This is a pretty big issue <br /> 349 all the growth that is going on in Chapel Hill alone is mind blowing. We've all gone out to that community because we don't <br /> 350 like that,we love our love our little places like Bravos and Fiesta Grill and everything else. This retail big box chain probably <br /> 351 won't even pay a living wage, is something that is not welcome and I oppose it. I would imagine if more people in my <br /> 352 community knew about this they would be here too. They will be here on the 6t". I greatly urge you to really consider who you <br /> 353 represent and that is us as a community not these chains. Thank you. <br /> 354 <br /> 355 Jesus Bravo: I own Fiesta Grill and Bravos Market and the reason I am here is to oppose but first of all I have had Fiesta Grill <br /> 356 for 20 years and I have been trying to expand and why you guys are going to put something like this, this big when I have <br /> 357 been trying to expand and now you guys are going to put something this big on that corner right there? How's it going to <br /> 358 happen? I have Bravos Market and I am very lenient on how many employees I can have, I have a lot of restrictions and 1 <br /> 359 don't know why you guys are going to approve this. Also,they are having a lot of accidents there and of course this is going <br /> 360 to bring more people, more cars, more everything and it's going to be bad. I am opposed to that. <br /> 361 <br /> 362 Sade Rapp: I am Sade Rapp and I live on Morrow Mill Road and I've lived there all of my 25 years except for 4 years in <br /> 363 college. I just learned about this rezoning today and I know that I reached out to,and a lot of people in my community were <br /> 364 reached out to and that I personally reached out to friends and family and specifically people that live very close to us, live on <br /> 365 our road and very,very few of us were able to make it today. I have talked to them I've talked to people and I am representing <br /> 366 my own ideas and beliefs but I am also speaking on behalf of a number of my friends, neighbors,family living on Morrow Mill <br /> 367 Road. I understand that commercial development is important and I am not inherently opposed to commercial development. <br /> 368 There's so much greatness that has been brought to White Cross and our community through commercial development and <br /> 369 that it brings in money for the County but I do have concerns about bringing in outside businesses at the expense of our <br /> 370 locally owned and operated ones because that is a net loss for our community if those local businesses are pushed out <br /> 371 because of the places being offered at an outside owned store. I'm certainly concerned about the non-tradionality of whatever <br /> 372 permit would happen but that may be my lack of understanding that sort of thing. I truly believe that this squanders an <br /> 373 opportunity for new or expanded locally owned and operated businesses to be created in this area and it is concerning for a <br /> 374 company to be coming from outside that does not have this mutual relationship with our community where they know the <br /> 375 community and have a vested interest in its vitality and its character the way that we have. I truly can't imagine that wouldn't <br /> 376 damage the character of this little community just through the amount of trees that would have to be taken down. Really the <br /> 377 core of my opposition to this recommendation is that there are too many unanswered questions to the environmental impact <br /> 378 and traffic impacts. I think to do this sort of rezoning that was recommended in the summer when people are out of town or <br /> 379 busy with farm work seems at best questionable and likely irresponsible. Thank you. <br /> 380 <br /> 381 Delores Bailey: Can I ask about the timing of the notice that went out, it seemed rather shortened. It seemed to be at least a <br /> 382 month's worth of time before the hearing happened. <br /> 383 <br /> 384 Perdita Holtz: It is a 10-day minimum notice and we sent it out like 15 days in advance. <br /> 385 <br /> 386 Delores Bailey: A statement that was made was that this has been here before? <br /> 387 <br /> 388 Perdita Holtz: Not to my recollection, I hate to have to contradict Tony. <br /> 389 <br /> 390 Tony Blake: It was this exact parcel. <br /> 391 <br />