Orange County NC Website
The following improvements have been <br />positions: <br />- Plan Review - <br />August 2003 plan review process <br />6 weeks for residential plan review; <br />review <br />made, due to the new staff <br />9 weeks for commercial plan <br />January 2004 (new staff in place) <br />The standards of 1 week for residential plan review and 3 weeks for <br />commercial plan review was accomplished by mid-March 2004 and <br />has been maintained since. <br />- Inspections -Inspections are completed 98% of the time on the date <br />they are requested to be inspected; up from 63% in 2003 and 42% in <br />2004, <br />- Peak Activity /Staffing Responses -Each year Qrange County 's <br />Inspections Division contacts both Qrange County Current Planning <br />Staff and Town of Hillsborough Planning Staff to obtain a list of <br />approved 'proposed' projects to estimate the commercial and <br />residential activity for the next fiscal year, Whether the projects are <br />built one year or another, of course, varies according to the individual <br />financial situation of the developer. As long as commercial and <br />residential numbers stay within the ranges of the last two years, our <br />staffing levels are sufficient to provide plan review and inspection <br />services. If these levels of development increase significantly, our <br />staffing levels may be deficient to provide the same levels of service <br />currently being delivered, <br />The general public does not always appreciate the nature of inspections <br />and contractors often see us as slowing down the completion of a project. <br />In an attempt to provide good customer service, the Inspections Division <br />meets as a group to discuss ways to improve our customer service to the <br />public, Some of the initiatives established in the last year are listed below. <br />- Consultation inspections for homeowners - Homeowner <br />contractors comprise of 52% of residential permits issued, The current <br />rejection rate is 19% for homeowner builders; the rejection rate would <br />be approximately 30%, were it not for the consultation inspection, This <br />initiative allows the Division to keep track of work time, but not charge <br />the homeowner when they need general assistance working out <br />problems encountered during construction. <br />- Inconsistency -Inconsistency is the number one complaint about <br />inspections statewide, and Orange County is not immune to this <br />problem, In an effort to limit inconsistency as much as possible, two <br />G'VC'umpr-hen,ivc PL.rming Uiv1GEN GAZUO .Public 4Lmin^_,AAuy Z? (Changed m W3)113uilding Aclivip~A0%S'2U5-Fin;il floc .3 <br />