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<br />Program information P a g e 5 o f 1 1 <br />b. How has your organization incorporated racial equity goals into your organizational goals? <br />At Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is <br />an integral part of our values and mission. We recognize, affirm, and celebrate <br />the diverse backgrounds, lives, and experiences of all of our stakeholders, <br />including youth, families, donors, volunteers, and staff. We ensure the opportunity <br />for all voices and perspectives to be heard and honored. In the workplace, we <br />foster an environment where all people can be their best selves. We affirm that <br />every person [regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, <br />gender, gender identity, gender expression, ideology, income, national origin, <br />race, or sexual orientation, marital or veteran status] has the opportunity to reach <br />their full potential. We strive to realize the full potential that is within all of us by <br />ensuring that all voices and perspectives are heard and honored. In July 2019, <br />Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle formed a DEI Task Force comprised of <br />leadership and staff. <br />We established the following DEI Task Force vision: BBBST aims to nurture a <br />culture of openness, empathy and awareness regarding diversity, equity, and <br />inclusion. We aim to be intentional about serving youth who represent the most <br />marginalized groups including youth of color, disabled youth, youth living in <br />poverty, LGBTQ youth and youth impacted by trauma. <br />Each year the BBBST DEI Task Force develops, implements, and tracks progress <br />around the following goals: <br />a. Build awareness through trainings (for board, staff, parents, volunteers & <br />youth) <br />b. Develop strategic connections/strategically recruit volunteers. <br />c. Increase awareness and foster empathy through activities. <br />d. Consistently review and revise policies to ensure they are centered on equity. <br /> <br /> <br />c. Please fill in the below questions and provide any additional context on the racial <br />composition of the organization and board leadership: <br /> <br />i. % of staff that are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) : 60% <br />ii. % of board that are BIPOC: 48% <br />iii. % of staff that have attended racial equity training: 100% <br /> <br /> <br />d. Please describe any additional activities your organization is doing to address racial equity. <br />Together we affirm that every person has the opportunity to reach their full <br />potential. We are committed to creating and cultivating a safe environment <br />where all individuals feel respected and valued equally. We are committed to a <br />nondiscriminatory and anti-racist approach and are committed to dismantling <br />any inequities within our policies, systems, programs and services. Below are <br />just some of the activities planned around our DEI task force goals for the <br />upcoming year. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F504DF7-674E-4C84-BE84-9F2F9146F185