Orange County NC Website
Program information P a g e 10 of 32 <br />b.How has your organization incorporated racial equity goals into your organizational goals? <br />Since 2014 the agency has maintained a Racial Equity Strategic Plan addressing racial equity goals along all <br />functions and operations of the agency, including HR, administration, programming, partnerships, built <br />environment, culture and climate. We have made significant progress toward internal goals related to <br />staffing, policy improvement, partnership development, and culture and climate. Our current priorities are <br />two-fold: 1) define and generate a culture of equity with support from BIWA/Emergent Equity trainers; and <br />elevating culturally specific programming to meet the needs of survivors groups that are historically <br />excluded from rape crisis services, specifically Black, Latine, and trans survivors. These priorities both <br />reflect specific requests from BIPOC staff and community members. <br />c.Please fill in the below questions and provide any additional context on the racial <br />composition of the organization and board leadership: <br />i.% of staff that are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) : 46% <br />ii.% of board that are BIPOC: 18% <br />iii.% of staff that have attended racial equity training: 100% <br />d.Please describe any additional activities your organization is doing to address racial equity. <br />x All agency staff are required to attend racial equity training (REI 2-day + History of Anti-Rape <br />Movement from a Racial Equity Lens) <br />x Agency maintains a racial Equity Task Force, a staff/board/community collaborative tasked <br />with ongoing monitoring and support to the agency’s advancement of racial equity standards. <br />x All agency staff are required to incorporate <br />x 6 staff positions (1 Director, 2 coordinators, 3 advocates) are dedicated to underserved <br />communities <br />x All agency workplans incorporate racial equity goals to which staff are accountable during <br />performance review. <br />x In the new year, we are pursuing a new prevention strategy that focuses on shared risk and <br />protective factors for sexual and systemic racism in partnership with the RENA Center, <br />SUSO-NC, Families and Communities Rising, the Housing Authority, and the Chapel Hill <br />Policing Advisory Committee. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION <br />*Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br />6. Program Name: Rape Crisis Victim’s Services <br />Program Primary Contact and Title: Hollie Wasilewski, Client Services Director <br /> Telephone Number: 91991684647 E-Mail: <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: D5354C91-47B9-4630-B4CE-FB86A8E9DAB6