Orange County NC Website
Ordinance to Board of County Commissioners 13 <br />January 26, 2004 <br />(3) Where sewage disposal within all or a portion of a <br />subdivision is to be accomplished through the installation <br />and use of surface sewage disposal systems, the plat shall <br />show the following form for Orange County Health <br />Department endorsement: <br />"Soil and site evaluations have been conducted by the <br />Orange County Health Department, Environmental Health <br />Division, and unless otherwise noted, an area on each lot <br />has been tentatively designated for septie-systen}#er-any <br />let in this sub on- ifnprevement-permk-mustbe <br />pa#ment-yrier-te-any <br />alteratien of-the-4oV for the installation and repair of a <br />wastewater system. This certification is not an <br />Improvement Permit or an approval for a septic system <br />on any of the lots. Subsequent changes to the lots may <br />affect the ability to obtain Improvement Permits and/or <br />Construction Authorizations. <br />..... ...... <br />Environmental Health Specialist Date <br />(4) Where water and/or sewage disposal is to be provided <br />by a public or quasi-public entity the following <br />statement shall be certified by the person authorized to <br />represent the service provider: <br />"I hereby certify that the construction plans for the <br />water system and/or sewer system have been approved <br />for Marne of Proiectl. The utilities have been <br />constructed, or secured via a Letter of Credit, to the <br />Service Provider] standards. <br />[Authorized Signature] Date <br />[Attest Signature] Date <br />SEAL <br />(5) a) Where a division of property is found to be exempt from <br />the provision of this Ordinance as specified in the definition <br />of "subdivision" in Article 2, the plat shall show the following <br />statements for Planning Department endorsement: