8.17.22 OUTBoard Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
8.17.22 OUTBoard Packet
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Last modified
8/23/2022 10:37:37 AM
Creation date
8/23/2022 10:36:46 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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D R A F T <br />2 <br /> <br /> 57 <br />Nish Trivedi shared that the MPO had not met and there was no new information – will send the NCDOT updates to 58 <br />the members by email. 59 <br /> 60 AGENDA ITEM 6: INFORMATION ITEMS 61 <br /> 62 AGENDA ITEM 6A: NC METROPOLITAN MAYORS COALITION (MMC) LETTER TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 63 <br /> 64 <br />Tom Altieri referred the OUTBoard to the information enclosed in the meeting materials 65 <br /> 66 67 <br />Tom Altieri reminded the Board that the MSTA study was completed at the school sites, Grady Brown and Cedar Ridge. 68 <br />The study was commissioned by NCDOT and the primary client is Orange County Schools and the study has been 69 <br />delivered to the school system. He noted that part of it had to do with classroom expansion at Cedar Ridge High 70 <br />School and growing traffic queuing that is spilling off the campuses and onto New Grady Brown School Road as well 71 <br />as parents that are pulling over along the side of the road. He mentioned that for many years it has been a struggle 72 <br />with pedestrian access to the schools. Tom let the Board know that the on-site school improvements DOT recommends 73 <br />are unfunded recommendations. He advised that he can provide these to the OUTBoard along with the pedestrian 74 <br />counts. There were also some recommendations for short-term items that might improve safety around the schools in 75 <br />terms of signage, pavement markings as well as a look the speed limit on New Grady Brown School Road. He also 76 <br />advised that since Orange Grove Road is scheduled for resurfacing in 2023 that it was suggested that it would be good 77 <br />to include getting the pavement marked and some additional signage. 78 <br /> 79 <br />Nish Trivedi informed the Board that the Town of Hillsborough is planning a study for Churton Street. 80 <br /> 81 <br />Tom Altieri noted that both the transit plan and a governance study will come forward in the fall for BOCC consideration 82 <br />and approval. 83 <br /> 84 <br />Nish Trivedi referred to the 10 State Consortium and discussion of technology where you would pay to drive your car. 85 <br /> 86 <br />Amy Cole would like to invite BOCC Chair Renee Price to come to a future OUTBoard meeting along with Chuck 87 <br />Edwards. 88 <br /> 89 <br />Randy Marshall noted that he is in support of adding reflectors to the center lines whenever possible when small project 90 <br />suggestions are requested. 91 92 AGENDA ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT 93 <br />OUTBoard meeting was adjourned by consensus 94 <br /> 95 <br /> 96 <br /> 97 <br />4
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