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Orange County Transportation Services ADA Paratransit Plan <br /> <br />Orange County Planning Department Page 13 <br /> <br />manager, etc.), and documentation as to why they are unable to access fixed-route service must be <br />provided. A determination of eligibility is made in these cases based on the functional ability or inability <br />of a person to access fixed-route service and not solely on their disabled status. <br /> <br />Applicants may be determined eligible for some trips and not others depending on circumstances, and <br />eligibility can be temporary based on a temporary disability. ADA service may also be used as a feeder <br />route to transport individuals to the closest public transportation route, which they can then access. <br />Applicants are notified of their eligibility status by mail within 21 days of submitting a completed <br />application. An eligibility decision may be full or conditional based on the day or functional ability to <br />make trips. If applicants are not notified within the 21-day timeframe, they are presumed eligible and <br />provided service until such time a determination is made. All applications are updated annually. Once a <br />determination of approval is made, the registrant/passenger is added to an eligibility list and can begin <br />scheduling trips. <br />3. Determination of Ineligibility and Appeals: <br />If it is determined that a person is not eligible for ADA service, he/she is notified in writing of the <br />reason(s) in a denial letter and are given 60 days to appeal the decision. If a request for appeal is received, <br />OCTS must render a decision within 30 days. Services are not provided during this review process. <br /> <br />The administrative appeals process provides the applicant the opportunity to be heard and to present <br />information to a third party not involved in the initial determination. The County’s designated <br />hearing/appeals officer is the OCTS Transportation Administrator, who is not involved in initial eligibility <br />determinations. A date, time, and location for the meeting to discuss the applicant’s appeal are sent to <br />the applicant by mail within five (5) working days of the appeal request being received. The meeting is <br />held and a decision rendered within the required 30 days. Should a decision not be rendered within 30 <br />days, the applicant is provided ADA service after the 30-day period until such time a decision is reached. <br />The applicant is not provided service during the 30-day appeal period. <br /> <br />ADA paratransit service may also be affected by a pattern of no-shows in which ADA-eligible registrants <br />abuse the service by making reservations but not appearing to make use of the service. To avert the <br />detrimental effects of this behavior on the effectiveness and efficiency of the service, OCTS has adopted <br />an ADA paratransit service no-show policy. <br />4. Appeal Process <br />An appeal process is established to provide an objective and unbiased process through which individuals <br />who are denied eligibility or service can obtain a review of the denial. An individual may appeal OCTS’ <br />decision to: <br /> Deny paratransit service eligibility. <br /> Grant conditional or temporary paratransit service eligibility. <br /> Suspend or deny service due to a continuous pattern or practice of no shows or late cancels. <br /> Suspend or deny service due to willful refusal to pay the fare. <br /> Suspend or deny service because an individual engages in violent, seriously disruptive, or illegal <br />conduct on a paratransit vehicle or toward a paratransit driver. <br /> <br />23