Orange County NC Website
MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> May 25, 2022 <br /> ■ 36 OC deaths related to the health behaviors vs 28% of the NC population <br /> ■ 81 people treated for prescription/opioid abuse <br /> ■ Opioid Task Force reconvened <br /> ■ 6.8 million over 18 years will be received due to the Opioid Settlement <br /> • Health Equity <br /> o Focused on marginalized communities <br /> o OC Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) focused on building an inclusive and <br /> equitable culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates diverse voices. <br /> o Health Equity Council focused on how to address inequity within OC. <br /> o Racial Equity Commission (REC) is an internal OCHD initiative whose mission is "to <br /> serve as a catalyst to ensure that racial equity is an active agent throughout all <br /> organizational processes of the OCHD." The goals of REC include increasing <br /> participation of staff in racial equity training and conversations. <br /> Ms. Rawlinson added that this report is shared with NC DPH, BOH, BOCC, HCOC membership <br /> and OC Government employees. Electronic versions will be available online via the HCOC and <br /> OCHD websites. Lastly, Ms. Rawlinson reiterated that per Activity 38.1 and 38.2, for <br /> accreditation purposes, the BOH minutes should reflect that BOH members have received and <br /> reviewed the SOTCH report. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Rawlinson. <br /> VI. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> A. Media Items <br /> Ms. Stewart stepped in for Kristin Prelipp, Communications Manager, and briefly mentioned <br /> articles that Ms. Prelipp had included in her media items packet. There was an article about the <br /> COVID-19 NC State of Emergency Declaration expiring and the recommendation by Ms. <br /> Stewart of mask wearing in crowded areas. There was also an article from the Herald-Sun <br /> regarding a proposed property tax raise. The third article was an article from The Daily Tar Heel <br /> regarding UNC closing its testing program. <br /> Media items were in the packet which focused on Orange County's events and our <br /> involvement in various efforts. <br /> B. BOH Health Director Report <br /> Quintana Stewart, Health Director, presented her report to the Board. Before she began, Ms. <br /> Stewart expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the OCHD staff as they have been <br /> stretched with additional duties due to COVID and vacancies. Below are brief highlights of her <br /> report. <br /> • As the Opioid Task Force chose Option B for required deliverables under the Opioid <br /> Settlement, the Opioid Task Force will begin a robust strategic planning process this fall. <br /> There are plans to hire an outside facilitator. <br /> • Fentanyl testing strips will be procured and distributed to partners to assist with harm <br /> reduction efforts. <br /> • The Epi Team has been reinstated and have begun regular meetings. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> May Page 4 <br />