Orange County NC Website
MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> March 23, 2022 <br /> ➢ Established NCLHDA Board within the NC Institute for Public Health. <br /> ➢ Mandates all LHDs to obtain and maintain Accreditation. <br /> o 10A NCAC 48B <br /> ➢ Defines scoring requirements by core function. <br /> ➢ Describes benchmarks and activities. <br /> • Board Role/Responsibilities include: <br /> o Hear/review LHD reports, input on community health improvement efforts, educate <br /> and advocate with community leaders about community health issues. <br /> o Discuss the need for new/amended rules or ordinances and have policies for <br /> rulemaking and appeals. <br /> o Review financial reports and approve fees and budgets. <br /> o Review and approve the Health Director's job description and performance <br /> evaluation. <br /> o Must receive training on BOH roles and responsibilities and have an annually <br /> updated handbook/training policy procedure. <br /> o Attend meetings regularly so quorums are reached, contribute to discussion during <br /> Board meetings, review meeting minutes and complete required trainings promptly. <br /> VI. Action Items (Non-Consent) <br /> A. BOH Appointments <br /> The Board of Health voted to recommend Brian Crandell to his 1 st full term and Aparna Jonnal <br /> to her 2nd full term. As the Board decided on one motion for the reappointment of both <br /> members, each of them abstained on the vote in regards to voting on their own reappointments. <br /> Motion to reappointment Brian Crandell and Aparna Jonnal and forward to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners was made by Shielda Rodgers, seconded by Lee Pickett, and <br /> carried without dissent. <br /> B. BOH Nominations Committee <br /> Sam Lasris' 31 term as the Dentist Representative will be ending at the end of his term in June <br /> 2022. Jessica Frega's At-Large Representative seat will also be vacated as she previously <br /> announced that she'd be leaving. Bruce Baldwin, Chair, mentioned forming a nominations <br /> committee to look at applications and conduct interviews to fill these seats. Board members, <br /> Keith Bagby, Jessica Frega, Brian Crandell and Sam Lasris, will be joining Dr. Baldwin on that <br /> committee. <br /> VII. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> A. BOH Subcommittees <br /> Bruce Baldwin, Chair, led a brief discussion on the overview of the BOH subcommittees <br /> including the state Accreditation requirements of developing a strategic plan and reviewing the <br /> Community Health Assessment (CHA). Healthy Carolinians of OC chose three priority issues— <br /> Access to Care, Substance Abuse and Health Equity. In May 2020, the BOH elected to choose <br /> these same priorities, form subcommittees, and change the name of Substance Abuse to <br /> Substance Use Disorders. Dr. Baldwin continued by stating that the BOH subcommittees will <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> March Page 4 <br />