Orange County NC Website
MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> March 23, 2022 <br /> o Housing Authority— Housing Choice (Section 8)Vouchers <br /> ➢ Helps people pay rent in apartments in the community. <br /> ➢ Vouchers are prioritized for people exiting homelessness. <br /> o Partnership to End Homelessness — Coordination & grants, direct service, rapid re- <br /> housing, street outreach, prevention <br /> ➢ Works with service providers and property owners to house people with very low <br /> income. <br /> ➢ Provides assistance to prevent homelessness, bring housing stabilization and to <br /> help those that are living unsheltered. <br /> o Community Stability— Emergency housing assistance, Eviction Diversion program, <br /> housing helpline <br /> ➢ Since 2020, OC, with partnership with towns, has assisted in providing $8.9 <br /> million for rent and utilities to 2182 households. <br /> ➢ Those with extremely low incomes received the most assistance. <br /> • Ms. Root also encouraged the BOH members to join one of the board's associated with <br /> the OCHCD and provided information on directing landlords that are interested in <br /> housing those with vouchers. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Root. <br /> C. Accreditation Update <br /> Ashley Rawlinson, Public Health Program Manager, Healthy Carolinians of OC Coordinator and <br /> Agency Accreditation Coordinator, provided a presentation on how the N.C. Local Health <br /> Department Accreditation program specifically addresses Board of Health roles and <br /> responsibilities. She reviewed the purpose of accreditation, discussed specific Board of Health- <br /> related activities around five domains and clarified how the Board is involved in these activities. <br /> Below are some highlights. <br /> • OCHD is preparing for the site visit scheduled to occur winter 2023. <br /> • All LHDs in NC have completed the Accreditation process at least twice. <br /> • Basic components of the Accreditation process <br /> o Self-Assessment of the Agency <br /> ➢ Comprised of 147 activities and 41 benchmarks <br /> • Agency Core Functions and Essential Services <br /> ❖ Assessment, Policy and Assurance <br /> ■ Facilities and Administrative Services <br /> ■ Governance <br /> o Site Visit— peer voiunteers <br /> ➢ Peer volunteers <br /> ➢ Documentation reviewed, facility tours, interviews conducted <br /> ➢ Site Visit Report— results/recommendation <br /> o Board Adjudication <br /> • Accreditation provides a framework for a health department to: <br /> o Improve management. <br /> o Identify performance improvement opportunities. <br /> o Improve relationships with the community. <br /> o Develop leadership. <br /> • The Law <br /> o Senate Bill 804 <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> March Page 3 <br />