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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> February 23, 2022 <br /> A. FY 2022-2023 Budget <br /> Micah Guindon, Finance and Administrative Services Director, presented the Board with a <br /> summary of the proposed FY 2022-2023 budget for the Health Department. The Health <br /> Department will request a County General Fund budget in FY 22-23 of$7,641,686. This <br /> represents an increase to the FY 22-23 base budget of$218,155. In a change from previous <br /> years, the County is excluding time-limited staff from the base budget thus $117,236 of the <br /> increase is due to this change. The major drivers of the remaining $100,919 is an increase in <br /> temporary staff, client transportation, training, travel, medical and pharmacy supplies, and <br /> nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) program costs. <br /> The total increase in expenditures is $466,292 from the FY 22-23 Base Budget; the majority of <br /> which is related to personnel requests including three staff for the Mobile Dental Clinic. Staff <br /> project a $248,137 increase in revenues for FY 22-23, including an increase in Medicaid <br /> Maximization funds of$53,900 and an increase in service revenues in Dental and <br /> Environmental Health. <br /> The proposed total expenditure budget is $11,394,210 and the proposed total revenue budget is <br /> $3,752,524. The County General Fund request of$7,641,686 is a 3% change from FY 22-23 <br /> base. <br /> New Staff Requests <br /> The Health Department requests 5.9 FTEs in personnel. These positions are 100% covered by <br /> reallocation of existing expenses or by new projected revenue. <br /> The Dental Division requests staff to support the Mobile Dental Clinic (MDC): a 1.0 FTE Dentist, <br /> 1.0 FTE Dental Assistant, and 1.0 Mobile Dental Clinic Operator. The MDC Operator is <br /> requested in collaboration with Orange County Public Transportation and cost shared at 50% <br /> per department. The MDC Operator will drive the MDC vehicle throughout the County, removing <br /> transportation as a barrier to care, as well as ensure it is properly maintained. These three <br /> positions will increase service capacity of the MDC allowing expansion into the community and <br /> schools. <br /> Additionally, the Health Department requests 0.4 FTE making the Preparedness Coordinator <br /> position full time. The position will liaise to State Preparedness ensuring staff are ready to <br /> respond to the myriad of possible public health emergencies. The Health Department also <br /> requests a 1.0 FTE IT Support Specialist as the Department's IT and informatics demands have <br /> only continued to increase. The Department is in need of in-house technical support. <br /> Finally, the Health Department requests conversion of two time-limited positions to permanent <br /> status: 1.0 FTE Community Health Aide and 1.0 FTE Property Development Specialist. The <br /> Community Health Aide position was originally grant funded in a partnership with UNC in the <br /> Formerly Incarcerated Transitions (FIT) program, which ended in FY 20-21 fiscal year and has <br /> been fully absorbed into the Health Department budget since then. We have seen many <br /> benefits to the residents of Orange County through this program and have reallocated County <br /> General Funds to support keeping the position on a permanent basis. The Property <br /> Development Specialist has been crucial to ensuring timely and accurate data entry in the <br /> Energov system so licensed Environmental Health staff are able to perform On Site Water <br /> Protection (OSWP) inspections in a time sensitive way. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> January Page 3 <br />