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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> February 23, 2022 <br /> IV. Educational Sessions <br /> A. Campus & Community Coalition Update <br /> Elinor Landess, Director of the Campus & Community Coalition to Reduce the Negative Impacts <br /> of High Risk Drinking (the CCC), presented an update on the status of the Coalition's activities. <br /> Below are some highlights. <br /> • COVID-19 Context <br /> o Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Rankings Health Factors — OC falls below <br /> the national average in regards to excessive drinking and alcohol-impaired driving <br /> deaths. <br /> o Increase in alcohol sales since pandemic <br /> o RTI Study <br /> ➢ 36% in drinks per month <br /> ➢ Almost 40% exceeding federal guidelines <br /> ➢ Largest increases amongst populations that are historically low such as Black <br /> and Hispanic women, Black men and men of color, and women with children <br /> under age 5 <br /> ➢ Increase in frequency and drinking to cope amongst undergrads <br /> • Burden of Excessive Alcohol Use in OC in 2017 (unfinished study) <br /> o Cost analysis — used local-level data to put a price tag on excessive alcohol <br /> consumption <br /> o Data sources included healthcare facilities, crime, car crashes and deaths <br /> o 38 deaths occurred in 2017 due to alcohol <br /> 0 3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancers in OC <br /> o Conservative dollar amount of$111.8 million in total costs of excessive drinking in 1 <br /> year with the government bearing the largest share of the costs <br /> • 2020 Action Plan Strategy Implementation <br /> o UNC Alcohol Policy Education — reached over 40K people and will be repeated <br /> annually <br /> o Responsible Server Trainer— paid persons (e.g. bartenders) to attend the training <br /> where they learn best practices <br /> o Business compliance checks to ensure they're not serving underage clientele <br /> o Place of Last Drink —for those that are stopped for a DWI, they are asked where <br /> they received their last drink. Police go back to that establishment and educates <br /> them. <br /> • Evaluation <br /> o Evidence of success — CHCCS high school drinking rate is declining <br /> o UNC binge drinking is down <br /> o Fewer UNC students are experiencing fewer alcohol-related consequences/harm <br /> reduction <br /> • Color of Drinking Project <br /> o Designed for predominately white institutions & how their use of alcohol affects <br /> people of color and LGBTQ+ students <br /> o Partnered with UNC Student Wellness & Gillings School of Health <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Elinor Landess. <br /> VI. Action Items (Non-Consent) <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> January Page 2 <br />