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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 20, 2022 <br /> o The recidivism rate is almost 12%. <br /> • Some of the desired outcomes of the FIT program include decreasing recidivism, <br /> improving client health outcomes, empowering clients to become knowledgeable about <br /> their health and take control, and increasing adherence with use of medications and <br /> treatment plans. <br /> • Transition Prisons <br /> o They are being adapted to enhance access to the local re-entry community to <br /> develop a comprehensive re-entry plan prior to release by having the prison <br /> residents moved to a Transition Prison near their home 12-18 months prior to <br /> release. <br /> • FIT Recovery (used to be FIT Connect) <br /> o Along with MAHEC, the push is to create a MAT Pilot Program for the state <br /> prison system. <br /> o FIT helped create MAT programs at the Durham and Orange County Detention <br /> Centers. <br /> o FIT, along with the NC Harm Reduction Coalition and the Duke Opioid <br /> Collaboratory, is providing technical assistance (TA) to 24 communities across <br /> the state by working with the grantees and attending all TA meetings and <br /> webinars. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Mr. Green. <br /> C. 3R1 Quarter Financial Reports and Dashboards <br /> Micah Guindon, Finance and Administrative Services Director, gave a report on the 3rd quarter <br /> revenue and billing accuracy. Her report is as follows: <br /> • Total Health Department Budget vs. Actuals: <br /> Average YTD monthly revenue in FY 21-22 after the third quarter is $323k/month or <br /> $2.9M projected for the year, representing 69% of our overall budgeted revenue for the <br /> year. Revenues are higher than this point last fiscal year due to increased service levels <br /> for patients and residents. Revenue in the Environmental Health, Personal Health, and <br /> Dental Divisions (FY 20-21 third quarter YTD: $2.7M) are all up. Expenses are in line <br /> with revenues, at 58.91% of the overall budget. <br /> • Dental Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> The FY 21-22 average monthly revenue ($44.8k/month) for the third quarter is above our <br /> budget projection ($41 k/month) and the FY 20-21 average of$37.1 k/month. Revenue <br /> increases are due to a number of factors including a full clinic schedule compared to last <br /> year, a reduction of the appointment time for children's cleaning, and close monitoring of <br /> the schedule for cancelations. Staff are filling canceled spots more quickly ensuring as <br /> many patients are served as possible. Lastly, staff and patients alike are getting more <br /> comfortable with the mobile dental clinic setting and an increasing number of patients <br /> are being seen there. FY 21-22 dental earned revenue totals $403k at the end of the <br /> third quarter compared $315k at the end of the FY 20-21 third quarter. <br /> • Medical Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Medical earned revenue is currently above the budgeted projection for FY 21-22 <br /> ($33k/month) at $49.1 k/month due primarily to Medicaid Transformation's per member <br /> per month rates for Primary Care. Family Planning, Child Health, and Medical Nutrition <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> April Page 4 <br />