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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 20, 2022 <br /> o Connect people living unsheltered with housing and services. <br /> o Use a trauma-informed, relationship-based model with visits to campsites, hospitals, <br /> jails and the streets. <br /> o Perform welfare checks, harm-reduction outreach, connections to housing and <br /> services. <br /> o Help reduce policing and justice involvement. <br /> o Perform therapeutic assessments, case plans and case management. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Fenhagen. <br /> B. Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Update <br /> Tommy Green, Community Health Aide, gave an update on the FIT program. He began by <br /> providing some background of the FIT program and its purpose. Below are some highlights: <br /> • FIT program was designed to connect formerly incarcerated people with a chronic <br /> condition to health care services via the help of a community health worker (CHW). <br /> • Other community re-entry resources are available to help with a comprehensive re-entry <br /> plan. The FIT program works with its partners and assists clients with finding housing, <br /> employment and getting into substance abuse programs. <br /> • Currently, Orange, Durham, Wake, Mecklenburg, Guilford and New Hanover counties <br /> have FIT programs. <br /> • Some data given included: <br /> o There are 1.5 million people in federal or state prisons and jails in the U.S. <br /> ➢ African-American men represent 40% of the prison population despite <br /> only making up 13.2 of the total U.S. population. <br /> ➢ Incarceration rates for men by race <br /> ❖ 1 in 14 are Caucasian, 1 in 6 are Hispanic and 1 in 3 are African- <br /> American. <br /> ➢ The U.S. makes up 25% of the world's prison population despite only <br /> comprising of 5% of the world's total population. <br /> ➢ 77% of former prisoners are rearrested for another crime within 5 years of <br /> being released. <br /> ➢ In NC, there are over 37K people incarcerated in state prisons (approx. <br /> 34K males and 3K females). <br /> ➢ Within the 1st month of post-release, the risk of death from heroin <br /> overdose and pill overdose is 70x and 24x, respectively, than of the <br /> general population. <br /> o Out of a study of 1,100 people exiting imprisonment, 80% of men and 90% of <br /> women had a chronic disease that required management including heart <br /> disease, diabetes, HIV, Hepatitis C and kidney disease. <br /> o More than 50% of individuals in prison report at least one mental health <br /> symptom. <br /> o To be eligible for the FIT program, one must be an Orange County resident, <br /> recently released from prison or jail within the last 2 years and diagnosed with a <br /> chronic illness to include mental health and substance abuse/misuse. <br /> o Some of the challenges faced are homelessness, no source of income, <br /> recidivism, food insecurity, unemployment and mental health problems. . <br /> • Case load data: <br /> o 81 total clients of which 35 are active cases, 12 graduates, 6 deceased (1 <br /> overdosed) and 28 lost to follow up. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> April Page 3 <br />