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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 20, 2022 <br /> Motion was made by Tony Whitaker to approve the minutes of March 2022, seconded by <br /> Dr. Alison Stuebe and carried without dissent. Jessica Frega abstained from the vote as <br /> she wasn't present at the March 231 meeting. <br /> V. Educational Sessions <br /> A. Criminal Justice Resource Department (CJRD) Update <br /> Caitlin Fenhagen is the director of the Criminal Justice Resource Department, a department that <br /> oversees and supports jail alternatives programming in Orange County. CJRD's mission is to <br /> seek to reduce the number of individuals with behavioral health issues in the criminal justice <br /> system, to provide supportive services and to reduce the risk of recidivism. Ms. Fenhagen gave <br /> a great presentation updating the Board on the CJRD's activities and programs. Below are <br /> some highlights. <br /> • The BOCC created the CJRD with specific intentions including the reduction of <br /> unnecessary pre-trial incarcerations. It is not uncommon for the local jails to house <br /> prisoners with behavioral health issues arrested with low-level type of offenses, as there <br /> is nowhere else to serve them in the community. This isn't just a local issue; it's a <br /> national problem. <br /> • The CJRD has approximately about 16 staff. Most work in the courthouse. Two of the <br /> re-entry council staff are housed in Whitted. <br /> • Re-imaging the criminal legal/justice system by deflection (keeping them out of the <br /> system) and diversion (keeping them away from the system once they have entered). <br /> This also includes youth deflection associated with the juvenile justice system. <br /> • The newest CJRD program is the Lantern Project. <br /> o Its goal is to provide increased access to care and support to people with a <br /> history of substance use, specifically opioid use, who are involved in the criminal <br /> legal system in OC. Harm reduction measures, behavioral health services and <br /> education about COVID-19 are provided. <br /> o Upon completing the Lantern Project Diversion plan, which is for anyone who <br /> may have a behavioral health issue and are at risk of being arrested or have an <br /> open criminal court matter, the arrest or criminal court case has the possibility of <br /> being dismissed and/or closed. <br /> o The Lantern Project Re-entry involves completing intake assessments for those <br /> who are currently detained at the OCDC, or who have been released from prison <br /> within the last month. They will receive an individualized transition plan, are <br /> connected to services, and support immediately upon their release. <br /> Other CJRD programs include the: <br /> • Pretrial Release Program, Misdemeanor Pre-Arrest Diversion Program, Pre-Arrest <br /> Diversion Program, Local Re-entry Council and the Restoration Legal Counsel. <br /> • Crisis Diversion Facility's mission is to facilitate diversion of individual experiencing a <br /> behavioral health crisis (mental health and substance use disorder) from either a <br /> hospital-based ED or the criminal justice system. <br /> o Services provided include clinical services, criminal justice services, community <br /> treatment networking and social services networking. <br /> • Street Outreach, Harm Reduction and Deflection (SOHRAD) Program is comprised of 4 <br /> staff who: <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> April Page 2 <br />