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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 28, 2021 <br /> response and increased revenue for Environmental Health and Dental (FY 19-20 third <br /> quarter YTD: $2M). Expenses are in line with revenues, at 61.3% of the overall budget. <br /> • Dental Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> The FY 20-21 average monthly revenue ($35k/month) for the third quarter is below our <br /> budget projection ($41 k/month) and our FY 19-20 average of$39.7k/month due to <br /> longer than anticipated dental clinic closures during the pandemic and the Dental <br /> Division Director vacancy in the first quarter. PPE shortages had a negative impact on <br /> the dental clinic and its ability to re-open to increased capacity, as Dental staff are <br /> required to wear a higher level of PPE for most procedures; however, that has improved <br /> over the past quarter. The clinic is now adding additional appointment times and days to <br /> be open, which have allowed staff to see more patients. FY 20-21 dental earned <br /> revenue totaled $315k at the end of the third quarter compared $445k at the end of the <br /> FY 19-20 third quarter. <br /> • Medical Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Medical earned revenue is currently above the budgeted projection for FY 20-21 <br /> ($33k/month) at $39.9k/month due to greater than anticipated revenue during the <br /> pandemic. Telehealth visits have been very successful and allowed the clinic to continue <br /> to see patients and bill for services even as in-person visits were limited. Billing staff <br /> have also worked diligently to collect as much revenue as possible from Medicaid and <br /> insurance companies from older accounts. We anticipate this trend toward increased <br /> revenue will continue to improve as the medical clinic gradually adds more in-person <br /> visits based on PPE availability and staff capacity. Medical clinic revenue totals $359k <br /> for third quarter FY 20-21 compared to $378k in third quarter FY 19-20. <br /> • Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Environmental Health earned revenue is slightly below the budgeted projection for FY <br /> 20-21 ($53k/month) at $47.3k/month. We are starting to see our seasonal trend of <br /> increase revenue in the third quarter of the year due to spring pool inspections and <br /> better weather for outdoor inspections and site visits. EH staff have worked hard to <br /> continue OSWP inspections during the pandemic with little to no in-person required of <br /> residents. FY 20-21 third quarter YTD revenue ($426k) is higher compared to third <br /> quarter YTD FY 19-20 ($401 k). <br /> • Grants Fund Revenue: <br /> FSA has drawn $200k of the multi-year Kenan grant. Expenditures are tracking as <br /> anticipated but we will most likely not fully expend the Kenan grant and thus will not <br /> request reimbursement for the full grant amount as many FSA staff have been re- <br /> deployed for the COVID-19 pandemic response. <br /> D. Advisory Board Update <br /> Beverly Scurry, Board of Health Strategic Plan Manager, made reference to the Advisory Report <br /> sent to the Board in advance of the meeting and stated that COVID-19 related issues were a <br /> topic of discussion for most boards. She asked the Board if there were any questions. The <br /> Board had none. <br /> E. Gaines Chapel Road (GCR) Study <br /> Kojo Minta, a UNCG graduate student, presented a study on the Gaines Chapel community. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2021 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> April Page 4 <br />