Orange County NC Website
MINUTES - Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />October 28, 2020 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2020 Agenda & Abstracts/ October Page 4 <br />VI. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. BOH Chair and Vice-Chair Slate <br /> <br />The Board members shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair by majority vote each year at the last <br />meeting of the calendar year. It is customary for the current Vice-Chair to occupy the Chair <br />position because of the experience gained as Vice-Chair. There was a nomination for Bruce <br />Baldwin for Vice-Chair. Ms. Frega informed the Board to email her if there are any other <br />nominations. The vote for Chair and Vice-Chair will take place, next month, at the November <br />18th meeting. <br /> <br />B. Health Director Annual Evaluation <br /> <br />Jessica Frega, Chair, reviewed this year’s process for the annual review. Ms. Stewart will send <br />her send her updated work plan to Ms. Frega. Ms. Frega will be in contact with the County <br />Manager and human resources. A survey will be sent to Ms. Stewart’s direct reports and a <br />random sampling of staff at the OCHD. The annual review will occur during a closed session at <br />the November 18th meeting where the results will be discussed as well as her performance. Ms. <br />Strange will create a new Go To Meeting link for the closed session. <br /> <br />C. Health Director Report <br /> <br />In addition to her report, Ms. Stewart spoke briefly on the items below beginning with a brief <br />overview of the information displayed in the COVID Dashboard created by Ms. Crawford as well <br />as took questions and comments from the Board. <br /> <br />• The Medical Clinic patient encounters for October were low. One of the reasons may be <br />attributed to a new clinic schedule that began this month that only has one clinic location <br />operable per day. The SHSC and Whitted locations alternate days in which they are <br />open. The schedule was instituted out of caution and patient safety as we were short <br />staffed. We are currently in the process of hiring and orienting additional staff. <br />• In-house COVID testing numbers decreased which correlates with our increased <br />community testing opportunities across the county while working with state partners. <br />• The Communication team continues to be responsive to community questions and <br />requests even though call line volume and email activity has decreased a little. <br />• As a result of Mr. Bagby’s request at the last Board meeting for a COVID update for the <br />community, a Public Health Chat series was created with a plan to do one monthly. It <br />started last month with Ms. Stewart and others including EMS director, Dinah Jeffries, <br />participating. Kudos was given to Ms. Prelipp for her excellent video editing skills. Ms. <br />Prelipp also facilitated another video that involved Ms. Stewart, the mayor of Chapel Hill <br />and the UNC Chancellor that encouraged safety while enjoying Halloween. <br />• The OCHD has had some key staff, the Dental Director and the Personal Health <br />Services Director, retire. A departmental reorganization was recently implemented. <br />There are still five divisions. There were no changes in the Environmental Health and <br />Financial and Administrative Services divisions. There was a minor change in the <br />Dental Clinic. Carla Julian served a dual role as our Compliance & Quality Assurance <br />(QA) manager and Dental Clinic manager. Now, her full-time focus is on compliance & <br />QA. She is also the liaison for the congregate facilities in reference to COVID as well as <br />the supervisor for our interpreters as Susan Clifford has made the transition to Human <br />Rights and Relations due to the County Manager’s vision of making the work Susan <br />does available on a countywide level vs only at the OCHD. Personal Health Services