Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> <br />Attachments <br />§ % and # of program participants who report improved wages and benefits <br />§ % and # of program participants who report that services enabled employment, education or <br />training <br />§ % and # of participants who increase incomes (wages, disability, public benefits, or other <br />income) <br />§ % and # of participants who maintain incomes (wages, disability, public benefits, or other <br />income) <br /> <br />Strategic Objective 3: Residents improve their health outcomes <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 3.1: Residents access basic health care services (primary, behavioral, dental) <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ % and # of program participants that report they have access to primary care <br />§ % and # of program participants that report they have access to behavioral care <br />§ % and # of program participants that report they have access to dental care <br />§ % and # of program participants who report they have improved access to health care services <br />§ % and # of preventive screenings provided <br />§ % and # of individuals referred to health promotion and/or healthcare services <br />§ % and # of program participants that report they have access to substance abuse treatment <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 3.2: Residents demonstrate new healthy lifestyle behaviors <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ # of people reporting healthier functionality and lifestyle behaviors (improved nutrition, conflict <br />resolution skills, stress reduction practices, exercise at least 30min 3x a week, annual check-ups, etc.) <br />§ % and # of program participants who demonstrate new physical skills that support their <br />independence <br />§ % and # of program participants who demonstrate new, improved, or restored social skills <br />§ % and # of program participants who demonstrate new, improved, or restored life skills <br />§ % and # of program participants who report new, improved, or restored social connections <br />§ % and # of program participants who meet one wellness goal <br />§ % and # of program participants who comply with treatment <br />§ % and # of hospitalization rates among program participants with substance abuse and/or <br />psychiatric disorders <br />§ % and # of program participants that consume fresh food <br /> <br />Other Measures <br />§ Total residents served <br />§ % and # of agencies that pay employees a living wage <br />§ % and # of agencies that offer health benefits to employees <br /> <br />Key Terms <br />§ Goal: The longer-term, wider change to which the program contributes. <br />§ Strategic Objective (SO): The benefit expected to occur for beneficiary groups. SOs express the central <br />purpose of the program in a realistic, specific, measurable way. <br />§ Intermediate Result (IR): The expected change in identifiable behaviors of a specific group or the <br />expected change in systems, policies or institutions required to achieve the strategic objectives. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E214CCE-9F32-46C0-9591-DFA25EDE6B6C