Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> <br />Attachments <br />Strategic Objective 1: Children improve their education outcomes <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 1.1: Children birth-to-K access early childhood development opportunities <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ % and # of children receiving scholarships who attend licensed, 4-5-star child care facilities <br />§ % and # of program participant children who are read age-appropriate books in their home once a <br />week <br />§ % and # of children referred to socio-emotional health services that complete an age appropriate <br />therapeutic or enrichment program <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 1.2: Children demonstrate new grade-level-appropriate skills (grades K-12) <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ % and # of program participants that are promoted to the next grade <br />§ % and # of program participants that improve grades by end of program period <br />§ % and # of program participants that improve classroom behavior <br />§ % and # of program participants that express greater confidence in their ability to be successful at <br />school <br />§ % and # of program participants that express greater confidence in their leadership and pro- <br />social abilities <br />§ % and # of children referred to socio-emotional health services that complete an age <br />appropriate therapeutic or enrichment program <br />§ % and # of program participants who plan on attending post-secondary education <br /> <br />Strategic Objective 2: Residents increase their livelihoods security <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 2.1: Residents access the most appropriate social safety net services <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ % and # of program participants with knowledge of appropriate social services <br />§ % and # of completed referrals <br />§ % and # Client satisfaction rates <br />§ % and # of program participants who meet at least 1 financial goal <br />§ % and # of program participants who maintain or improve their housing status <br />§ % and # of unduplicated community members who receive emergency shelter services <br />§ % and # of program participants who are homeless or experiencing unstable housing who <br />obtain housing <br />§ % and # of individuals that receive abuse and neglect prevention and response services <br />§ % and # of program participants that receive food assistance <br />§ % and # of individuals who receive emergency financial assistance for essential needs <br />§ % and # of individuals who receive legal information, services or referral <br />§ % and # of participants who do not become court involved during the program <br /> <br />Intermediate Result 2.2: Residents increase job skills appropriate for the local economy <br />Agency Performance Indicators <br />§ % and # of participants who pass ESL tests <br />§ % and # of participants who self-report improved English language abilities <br />§ % and # of participants who earn GEDs <br />§ % and # of program participants who secure employment <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E214CCE-9F32-46C0-9591-DFA25EDE6B6C