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8 <br /> Pillar 4—Racial Equity Ass ssm nt L ns <br /> Evaluation of existing and new policies, p actices, se vices and initiatives is anothe component of <br /> advancing acial equity effo ts. The Racial Equity Assessment Lens is designed with a use -f iendly <br /> app oach inco po ating a acial equity emphasis. The findings can effectuate change that esults in <br /> bette community outcomes. To maintain the effectiveness of this app oach, pe iodic eview of this <br /> assessment lens should occu based on eal life expe iences. See Appendix D fo FAQs and assessment <br /> lens. <br /> Pillar 5—Evaluation and Accountability <br /> The Evaluation and Accountability Sub-committee is wo king on an evaluation p ocess based on the <br /> Results-Based Accountability p inciples(RBA)f amewo k.The RBA f amewo k p ovides a disciplined,data- <br /> d iven decision-making p ocess to help local gove nments take action to solve p oblems. RBA is embedded <br /> in the Racial Equity Assessment Lens that"sta is with the desi ed esult and wo ks backwa d to the means, <br /> to ensu e the desi ed esults that you plan wo ks towa d community esults with stakeholde -d iven <br /> implementation." Results-based accountability helps distinguish between population level (whole g oup), <br /> and pe fo mance measu e(activity-specific) indicato s that o ganizations use to dete mine whethe they <br /> a e having an actual impact.The RBA f amewo k indicates the elationship ove time between esults, <br /> indicato s, and activities. It is based on seven questions of population accountability: What a e the desi ed <br /> esults?What would the esults look like?What a e the community indicato s that would measu a the <br /> desi ed esults?What does the data tell us?Who a e you pa the s?What wo ks to change the data <br /> t end towa d acial equity?What actions should you sta t with? <br /> Pe fo mance Accountability fo Actions:The Road to Getting to Results <br /> In using the RBA f amewo k, the g oundwo k has al eady been set. Fo each community indicato , the <br /> g oup has identified a set of actions. Facilitated action planning sessions help to efine the steps. <br /> Population-level indicato s and esults will then help to build a pe fo mance plan. Pe fo mance measu es <br /> will ensu a actions o activities a e c afted in a way to dec ease acial dispa ities. Mo a details a e outlined <br /> in Appendix E. <br /> Some questions asked in this p ocess a e: <br /> 1. Who do you se ve? <br /> 2. What is an action's intended impact? <br /> 3. What is the quality of the action? <br /> 4. What is the sto y behind the data? <br /> 5. Who a e the pa the s with a ole to play? <br /> 6. What wo ks to have a g eate impact? <br /> 7. What a e the next steps? <br /> Community out each is a necessity in evaluation and accountability.A pe fo mance measu a is a <br /> quantifiable measu e of how well an action is wo king and an action a e the specific things that a <br /> ju isdiction will do to achieve the outcomes. Some questions to conside includes: A e the e outcomes <br /> and actions that a e eceiving less attention than othe s? Is the e a need to change the plan? Have plan <br /> actions been implemented o a e in p og ess?What do the esults indicate as to how to imp ove? Is <br /> the a an explanation and/o p oposal fo esolving the issue if the e a e unmet o blocked actions A e <br /> the e acially dive se staff wo king on the plan ove the yea (s)?A e esidents of colo engaged in the <br />