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20 <br /> Using the th ee-step p ocess desc ibed above can aid ju isdictions in c eating an engagement p ocess <br /> that cente s equity and hono s the wealth of knowledge in each ju isdiction. Community engagement <br /> p ovides an oppo tunity to epai o eplicate ha m, to build elationships and community. Fo all <br /> community membe s, each inte action and each engagement cont ibute to the expe ience of thei <br /> elationship with the gove nment. Ou focus on acial equity acknowledges that histo ically inte actions <br /> and lack of engagement have led to dispa ate outcomes fo communities of colo . Community <br /> engagement fulfills the social justice maxim, "Nothing About Us, Without Us," and inc eases the <br /> likelihood of community buy-in du ing implementation. <br /> N xt St ps <br /> The committee lea ned it is easie to connect with community bodies fo med with decision-making <br /> autho ity, specific planning esponsibilities, o se vice p ovide s. Conve sely, engaging people of colo in <br /> the community with diffe ent lived expe iences of institutional acism can be challenging fo many <br /> easons. GARE suggests p oviding a fo m of eimbu sement fo thei time and expe tise— not as an <br /> incentive but as compensation. <br /> The One O ange Racial Equity F amewo k equi es a p agmatic app oach that elies heavily on analyzing <br /> acially disagg egated data detailed in the Racial Equity Index cove ed in the next section of this epo t. <br /> Th oughout eve y step of the p ocess,the committee will use the 3-Step Community Engagement <br /> P ocess to select the best engagement app oach. Ju isdictions a e encou aged to explo e community <br /> engagement compensations st ategies, begin piloting the 3-Step Community Engagement P ocess and <br /> p ovide feedback as we continue to efine the One O ange Community Engagement St ategy. <br />