Agenda - 03-19-2002 - 8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-19-2002
Agenda - 03-19-2002 - 8f
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Last modified
3/6/2017 4:13:33 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:37:20 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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' 4 <br /> Attachment <br /> Recreation and Parks Management Director <br /> General: Plans, organizes and directs a comprehensive recreation and parks management <br /> program for Orange County. Leads, directs and manages the construction, development and <br /> operation of new parks and park facilities. <br /> Major Functions: <br /> 1. Plans, organizes, directs and promotes recreation, athletic and parks programs. <br /> 2. Participates and serves on teams involved in the Environment and Resource Conservation <br /> Department's parks planning and park concept design process. Provides expertise and <br /> feedback from the park construction, operation and maintenance perspective. <br /> 3. Once a park concept plan is developed by the Environment and Resource Conservation <br /> Department and approved, directs and oversees park construction. In this, pursues value <br /> engineering as feasible to support effective and efficient park construction while still fulfilling <br /> the vision for the park - such as in purchasing materials for park construction or equipment. <br /> 4. Assesses recreation, athletic, and park program needs and opportunities and develops long <br /> and short-range plans and objectives to meets the needs. In this, confers with community <br /> groups and coordinates with area municipalities <br /> 5. Develops guidelines and operational policies for recreation and parks programs and <br /> operation. <br /> 6. Supervises Recreation and Parks Department staff, including hiring, training, and <br /> performance review. <br /> 7. Reviews the needs, analyzes, and develops proposed operational and capital project <br /> budget. Manages the approved budget. <br /> 8. Oversees the development and implementation of public communication programs about <br /> recreation and parks programs. <br /> 9. Oversees the safety of County park, athletic and recreational facilities. <br /> 10.Represents the department before local government bodies and various community <br /> organizations. <br /> 11.Serves as liaison and coordinates with the County's Environment and Resource <br /> Conservation Department on any environmentally related issues or needs in park planning <br /> and management such as nature trail maintenance, water quality protection or the like. <br /> 12.Serves as staff support and liaison to the County's Recreation and Parks Advisory Council. <br />
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