2021_11_17 BOER MINUTES
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Equalization and Review
2021_11_17 BOER MINUTES
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/12/2022 3:41:54 PM
Creation date
7/12/2022 3:39:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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DocuSign Envelope ID: D94409AB-B2D5-4E05-B3FC-26A40C01CO2F <br /> plans have been finalized.Upon review of the property,the County recommends reducing the land <br /> valuation by applying a-50%market adjustment for location and use for a revised value of$507,400 for <br /> the property. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County.After <br /> deliberation and review,Mr. Beattie made a motion to accept the County's revised valuation of$507,400 <br /> for the property. Ms. Levine seconded the motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br /> Mr. Beattie made a motion to recess the meeting until 2:00 PM. <br /> Mr. Beattie called the meeting back to order at 1:59 PM. <br /> CCP Chapel Hill 0806 LP PIN 9799141643 <br /> Katie McGee appeared before the Board on behalf of CIG Chapel Hill 0806 LLC,to appeal the value of <br /> the property located at 1602 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill. The current assessed value of the property is <br /> $5,053,800. A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9799141643 Appeal 9799141643 County <br /> The appellant is requesting a lower value for the subject property due to the property's 2020 income and <br /> expenses and poor financial performance. Ms.McGee summarized the income documentation provided to <br /> the Board members. In addition,Ms. McGee suggested adjustments to the County data offering <br /> corrections in square footage for three of the County's comparable properties, suggesting an average <br /> value of$78.20 per square foot or$3,279,000 for the subject property. <br /> Jimmy Milliken represented the County and stated the subject is known as Signature Health Care of <br /> Chapel Hill.Upon review of this property by CCA, CCA determined that the indicated value of the <br /> property by the sales comparison approach is $3,964,375. As a result of this review Orange County <br /> recommends increasing the market adjustment on the land from-30%to -50% and adding an E02 <br /> economic market adjustment to the property for a revised valuation of$3,952,900. <br /> Chris Mashburn from CCA verified that upon further analysis,the square footage of on one of the <br /> comparable properties agrees with the tax representative's square footage for that property. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County. After <br /> deliberation and review,Mr.Beattie made a motion to reduce the valuation of the subject property to <br /> $3,279,000. Ms. Levine seconded the motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br />
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