Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:C9ACA973-728D-4853-A135-6BC01CA1C2D5 <br /> LINCOLN PIN 9788297697 <br /> Robert Lincoln appeared before the Board to appeal the value of the property located at 115 Stinson <br /> Street, Chapel Hill. The current assessed value of the property is $414,800. A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9788297697 Appeal 9788297697 County <br /> The appellant is requesting that the Board reduce the assessed valuation based on neighboring properties <br /> value per square foot. The appellant's opinion of value for the property is $314,500 <br /> Kelly Wells represented the County and stated the appeal is based on the value increase over the last four <br /> and because the house is no longer a duplex. Ms.Wells stated that the County conducted a site visit on <br /> October 7,2021 and as a result the County recommends correcting the building type from Two-to-four <br /> family to Rooming House,reducing the grade from C+10 to C, adding a patio not on record, and reducing <br /> the market adjustment of the land from 70%to 10%due to the property's location on a dirt road. These <br /> changes would result in a reduction of the valuation from$414,800 to $361,500. Ms. Wells clarified that <br /> the value per square foot of the subject is higher than neighboring properties due to the subject property's <br /> building type being a rooming house. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County. After <br /> deliberation and review,Mr. Beattie made a motion to accept the County's revised valuation of$361,500 <br /> for the property. Ms. Levine seconded the motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br /> Mr. Beattie made a motion to recess the meeting until 4:15 PM. <br /> Mr. Beattie called the meeting back to order at 4:15 PM. <br /> JONES PIN 9788095041 <br /> Glenda Jones appeared before the Board to appeal the value of the property located at 428 Mason Street, <br /> Chapel Hill. The current assessed value of the property is $323,800.A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9788095041 Appeal 9788095041 County <br /> The appellant is requesting that the Board reduce the valuation due to the value increasing over$100,000 <br /> in one year with no improvements made to the subject property. The appellant stated that her family has <br /> lived in the subject residence since 1962 and has always been an owner-occupied residence and not an <br /> income property,unlike other surrounding properties near the subject property. <br /> Kelly Wells represented the County and stated the subject is a single-family residence containing 1,950 <br /> finished square feet and is located in the Northside Conservation District in Chapel Hill. The appeal is <br /> based on restrictions placed on the property based on its location in the Northside Conservation District. <br />