Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3067492C-60EC-432D-9750-FF3FBB8741DF <br /> Merritt PIN 9874515074 <br /> Deborah Merritt elected not to appear before the Board and requested that the submitted documentation <br /> serve as the appeal. The appellant is appealing the value of the property located at 1804 NC 86 South, <br /> Hillsborough. The current assessed value of the property is $1,155,900.A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9874515074 Appeal 9874515074 County <br /> Cyle Anderson represented the County and stated that the property is an owner-occupied <br /> warehouse/warehouse showroom building constructed in 1974 and 1997. The appellant is requesting that <br /> the Board reduce the valuation of the property to $1,000,000 stating that the increase in valuation for <br /> 2021 is way too high. However,the appellant provided no evidence to support their opinion of value. <br /> Cyle Anderson represented the County and stated that upon review of this property by CCA, it was <br /> determined that the indication value of the property by the sales comparison approach is $873,611 and the <br /> indication of value by the income approach it is $932,444. The sales comparison approach was weighted <br /> 60%and the income approach was weighted 40%for a reconciled valuation of$897,144 for the property. <br /> As a result of this review, Orange County recommends applying an E23 economic market adjustment to <br /> the property for a revised valuation of$890,100 for the property. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County.After <br /> deliberation and review, Chair Beattie made a motion to accept the County's recommended value of <br /> $890,100 for the property. Mr.Meyers seconded the motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br /> GANDHI HAMPTON POINT LLC PIN 9873599448 <br /> Jeri Wells and Floyd Allen appeared before the Board on behalf of Gandhi Hampton Point LLC to appeal <br /> the value of the property located at 618 Hampton Point Boulevard,Hillsborough. The current assessed <br /> value of the property is $3,343,800. A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9873599448 Appeal 9873599448 County <br /> The appellant stated that the property is a convenience store/fast food restaurant built in 2007. The <br /> appellant is appealing the valuation of the property on the basis that the income and expenses from 2019 <br /> suggest a lower valuation of$ 2,300,000 for the property. <br /> Cyle Anderson represented the County and stated that upon review of this property by CCA, it was <br /> determined that the indication value of the property by the sales comparison approach is $3,349,434 and <br /> indication of value by the income approach is $2,958,892. The sales comparison approach was weighted <br /> 50%and the income approach was weighted 50%for a reconciled valuation of$3,154,163 for the <br />