Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:67AF45A6-6792-466B-A530-32D705D517AA <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9787386328 Appeal 9787386328 County <br /> Cyle Anderson represented the County and stated that the appellant's opinion of value is $190,000 citing <br /> the fact that the property last sold for$190,000 in May of 2020 with$25,000 in renovations occurring in <br /> May 2021. Mr. Anderson noted that sales data on this property indicates that a multi-parcel sale occurred <br /> on February 26,2020 at a price of$380,000 for both 111 Mallard Court and 112 Mallard Court, <br /> simultaneously. Mr. Anderson noted that after the sale, a permit was issued for a residential addition to <br /> the subject in July 2020. The addition entailed conversion of an open porch into living area and a full <br /> bath added. This conversion increased the finished area from 1,332 square feet to 1,598 square feet and it <br /> was also discovered that the subject's kitchen had been renovated.Mr.Anderson provided he Board with <br /> a sales analysis of the four most comparable properties that have recently sold in this townhome <br /> community indicating that no changes in value are necessary to the subject property. <br /> Taking into consideration the recent addition and renovations after the sale as well as the fact that one sale <br /> does not make a market,no further changes are recommended to the current assessment. It is therefore the <br /> opinion of Orange County that the current value of$257,300 is appropriately supported by recent <br /> comparable sales. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County. After <br /> deliberation and review,Mr. Beattie made a motion to accept the County's recommendation of no change <br /> in value for the subject. Ms. Levine seconded the motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br /> Mr. Beattie made a motion to recess the meeting until 1:30 PM <br /> Mr. Beattie called the meeting back to order at 1:30 PM <br /> DE PAL PIN 9788699110 <br /> Anne Perl De Pal appeared before the Board to appeal the valuation of the property located at 710 E <br /> Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill. The current assessed value of the property is $768,700.A list of evidence <br /> follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9788699110 Appeal 9788699110 County <br /> The appellant is requesting that the Board reduce the valuation based on the submitted evidence <br /> indicating the house was built in 1978,has had no major improvements, and is need of a huge amount of <br /> maintenance. The appellant also states that the lad has a steep slope, and Chapel Hill regulations have <br /> changed substantially,which in effect makes the lot mostly unbuildable. The appellant also stated that the <br /> residence is listed as a multifamily residence but is actually a single-family residence as are neighboring <br /> properties. The appellant also stated that the property has issues with erosion as it has recently had <br />