Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:67AF45A6-6792-466B-A530-32D705D517AA <br /> After discussion with the appellant,Nancy Freeman addressed the initial notices had information where <br /> he could access the comparable properties. However,in the May notices the information was not <br /> provided. <br /> The Board reviewed all documents and information provided by the appellant and the County. After <br /> deliberation and review,Mr. Beattie made a motion to table the appeal after Mrs. Freeman gets in touch <br /> with the appellant in regards to providing the County's comparable properties. Ms. Levine seconded the <br /> motion and the motion carried. <br /> Yes: 3 <br /> Noes: 0 <br /> BLASS PIN 9788612237 <br /> Emma Blass appeared before the Board to appeal the valuation of the property located at 502 Oteys Road, <br /> Chapel Hill. The current assessed value of the property is $678,600. A list of evidence follows: <br /> APPELLANT COUNTY <br /> 9788612237 Appeal 9788612237 County <br /> The appellant is requesting that the Board reduce the valuation citing the fact that the appellant bought <br /> this property six years ago for$575,000 and it had been on the market for a long time before purchase. <br /> The appellant stated the subject property has one major drawback,being close to US Hwy. 15-501which <br /> renders most of the lot unusable. Appellant provided relevant comparable sale prices of neighboring <br /> properties. One property similar in size, similar in age sold for$575,000 in January of 2021. The <br /> appellant stated that houses similar to subject property near Hwy. 15-501 stay on the market for a longer <br /> length of time and sell for lower prices due to noise and pollution. <br /> Bill Hiltbold represented the County and stated from the overhead GIS photograph of the subject,the <br /> residence is 251 feet from Fordham Boulevard and is separated by a wooded lot that will probably remain <br /> unimproved since connecting that lot to the city sewer system would cost hundreds of thousands of <br /> dollars.A letter from Orange Water and Sewer Authority was provided to the Board. The land value for <br /> the subject property is consistent with surrounding developed lots at$320,000. <br /> Mr. Hiltbold provided an analysis report for the Board and noted 803 Coker Drive is presented by the <br /> appellant as a comparable property. However, 803 Coker Drive is not a single family residence,but <br /> rather a two-to four family residence,which usually sell for more than single family residences since they <br /> are income-producing properties. 803 Coker Drive has only 2,487 square feet which is below the <br /> comparable range for the neighborhood and its land value is $95,000 less than that of the subject property. <br /> For these reasons, 803 Coker Drive is not considered a good comparable. 1 Penick Lane and 3 Buttons <br /> Road are better comparable properties since their living areas,grades, and land values are within close <br /> range of the subject. Both sold recently for well above the assessed value of the subject. <br /> Mr. Hiltbold stated that he visited the home and found the garage which had been sketched at 553 square <br /> feet is actually 691 square feet. Also,the rear deck has been enlarged from 204 square feet to 434 square <br /> feet. Mr. Hiltbold stated he corrected the sketch but recommends reducing the effective year built of the <br /> subject from 2004 to 2000. These changes reduce the building and total property value by$3,200 from <br /> $678,600 to $675,400. <br />