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iDSS CYCLONE SOW :PAGE 6 of 8 <br />PREPARED BY Mark Lynch, Chief Client Officer <br />Term and Renewal <br />1.Initial Term.The initial term of this SOW shall commence on the SOW Effective Date and shall <br />continue until the conclusion of a period of one (1)year (the “Initial Subscription Period”) . <br />2.Automatic Renewal.This SOW shall NOTautomatically renew. <br />3.Notice of Non-Renewal.This SOW shall NOT automatically renew. <br />4.Termination. <br />i.Termination by either party upon Breach.Company or Client has the right for <br />immediate termination of this SOW and the Services upon breach of the SOW, <br />including its Exhibits if such breach is not cured within 30 days of written notice of such <br />breach. <br />ii.Termination by Tempest.Company may terminate this SOW and all Services <br />immediately without notice if Client fails to pay Fees when due and owing or Tempest <br />determines that Client is not in compliance with any of the material terms contained in <br />this SOW or in the MSA. <br />5.Pricing.Company expressly reserves the right to change the rates charged hereunder for the <br />Services at the beginning of any Renewal Term, provided that Company notifies Client of any <br />such proposed rate increase not less than ninety (90) days prior to the commencement of any <br />Renewal Term. <br />6.Subsequent SOW.Any subsequent duly executed SOW may supersede and override the terms <br />and conditions in this section relating to the Initial Term and Renewal Term(s) if the subsequent <br />duly executed SOW expressly states different terms and conditions relating to the Initial Term <br />and Renewal Term(s). <br />30 SOUTH 15TH STREET | SUITE 1001 | PHILADELPHIA, PA 19102 |P:+1.800.274.8774 |F:+1.800.274.8775 | TEMPEST.iM <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EDAD2931-0920-4D6F-86B1-57DF7F781E3C