Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />collected. Significant contaminants in recycling result in recyclable materials being landfilled rather <br />than recycled. <br /> <br />The grant project will both enhance and expand the County’s existing cart tagging program. <br />Currently, drivers are mainly providing ‘oops’ tags for large and egregious contaminants that are <br />easily spotted. By using recycling inspectors, a wider range of contaminants will be identified and <br />enable a more thorough reporting of contaminants. The program will also encourage proper recycling <br />habits by rewarding residents that are recycling correctly. <br /> <br />4. How many households or businesses will be impacted by or have access to the recycling services <br />associated with the proposed project? <br />Approximately 42,500 households will be eligible to participate in this program. <br /> <br />5. Estimate the number of tons of waste expected to be reduced annually as a result of the <br />proposed project. Please explain how you came up with the estimate. <br />The program has the potential to reduce contaminants in the recycling stream. The County collects <br />approximately 14,600 tons of recycling annually. The weight of contaminants in the County’s <br />recycling, based upon the recycling characterization study of 2019, is estimated to be 1,752 tons of <br />contaminants. <br /> <br />6. Describe any partnerships associated with the proposed project. Please include documentation <br />of support from any partner entities. <br />There are no partnerships associated with the proposed project. <br /> <br />Special Requirements <br />1. List of recyclable materials accepted by the program: <br />Plastics: Bottles, Tubs, Jugs and Jars <br />Glass: Bottles and Jars <br />Paper: Paper, Cartons and Cardboard <br />Metal: Aluminum and Steel Cans <br />All recyclable materials listed above are collected through the single-stream curbside recycling <br />program. <br />2. N/A <br />3. The primary message of the outreach effort is to ‘Recycle Right and become an Orange County <br />Recycling Star’. We want to equip residents with the information they need to feel confident in <br />their recycling efforts. <br />4. We will be using DEACS design services. The County currently uses the ‘Recycle Right’ flyer and <br />‘Oops’ tags designed by DEACS. Aside from the stickers and the yard sign, all other materials will <br />follow the ‘Recycle Right’ branding style. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A