Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />contamination grading scale and can track other target metrics such as volume and participation rate. <br />The recycling inspectors will log in to the app, click on a map point of the household they are auditing, <br />fill out the evaluation information, and submit the form. After the evaluations for the day are <br />completed, all of the data can be reviewed and ReCollect provides data analysis. This allows for <br />consistent efficient data monitoring and provides contamination comparisons of the neighborhoods <br />as the evaluations are ongoing to track if certain households/neighborhoods are improving. <br /> <br /> <br />This program will start in two neighborhoods on the rural curbside program, one neighborhood <br />where the driver has identified higher rates of contamination and one average performing <br />neighborhood. The first round will roll out in four steps with rewards and consequences for the <br />respective accurate and erroneous recycling behaviors. Only households with recycling carts will be <br />eligible. <br /> <br />After the first round is completed, all parties involved will reassess the effectiveness of the program <br />and incorporate changes based on the findings from the first round. Following the two initial <br />neighborhoods assessed in the first round, additional neighborhoods on the rural and urban curbside <br />routes will be assessed with the goal of reaching all neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Program implementation plan: <br />Recycling for households on the rural curbside program is collected every other week. <br />Each assessment round will run for 8 weeks in order to collect 4 week’s recycling data per route. <br />Recycling for households on the urban curbside program is collected weekly and the assessment <br />rounds will run for 4 weeks. <br /> <br />Step 1: Carts with contamination will receive an ‘oops tag’, recycle right flyer and information about <br />the new ‘recycling stars’ program. The ‘oops tag’ will indicate that contamination must be removed <br />prior to the next pick-up. Carts with no contamination will receive a thank you note along with an <br />orange star sticker to indicate the household is an exemplary recycler in Orange County. All residents <br />will receive notes with information on the new program and the ReCollect app. Additionally, a <br />newsletter with information regarding the Stars program will be sent out to all residents in the <br />County prior to the start of the program. Various digital, print and radio ads will also be published. <br /> <br />Step 2: Carts with contamination for the second week in a row will receive a 2nd ‘oops tag’, a <br />personalized contamination letter in the mail with photos of week 1 and week 2 inspections, and an <br />explanation of why those materials aren’t accepted and why the recycling hasn’t been collected. <br />Carts with no contamination will receive a star sticker. If the cart now has two stickers, they will <br />receive a letter notifying that they are being entered into a raffle and offered an ‘I am an Orange <br />County Recycling Star’ yard sign. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A