Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Award Criteria: <br />Applicants are encouraged to consider the following Award Criteria as they develop their grant proposals. <br />1. Demonstration of Need (0-20 points): Does the proposed project address a specific equipment, <br />educational, or infrastructure need for the community? <br />2. Planning (0-20 points): Did the Project Description include all necessary elements as outlined in the <br />Required Proposal Format? Is the proposal well thought out, well researched and backed by valid <br />facts and assumptions? Is the project consistent with recycling industry best management practices? <br />3. Waste Reduction Impact (0-25 points): Will the project contribute substantially toward reduction <br />of the local waste stream or will it substantially increase tonnage recovered through recycling <br />services? Will the project improve the material quality in the recycling stream by reducing <br />contaminants? <br />4. Efficiency / Cost-effectiveness (0-20 points): Will the project improve the efficiency or cost- <br />effectiveness of the local waste reduction program? Does the project increase the efficiency or <br />effectiveness of an existing recycling service? Does the project reduce the operating cost of a <br />current recycling service or does it adopt practices proven to be cost effective in other communities? <br />Does the project make investments that will continue to serve the community for years to come? <br />5. Joint Effort (0 or 5 points): One-party proposals will receive zero (0) points; multi-party proposals <br />(involving cash match from all participants) will receive five (5) points. <br />6. Priority Project (0-10 points): Is the project seeking funding for a Priority Project Grant? To <br />what extent does the project support investments in one of the Priority Project Grant categories? <br /> <br />If a Proposal is Selected for Funding: <br />DEACS anticipates that applicants selected to receive grant funding will be notified by the end of April <br />2022. DEACS will notify the applicant with a formal offer by e-mail. The applicant must accept or decline <br />the offer. The following will occur once the offer of grant funding is accepted: <br />• DEACS may work with applicants to revise initially submitted proposals before entering into a grant <br />contract. Any changes to initial proposals must be approved by DEACS and the applicant and the <br />resultant Final CWRAR Proposal will become an attachment to the grant contract. <br />• The annual CWRAR Grant cycle typically receives funding requests that exceed available funds. <br />However, it is a priority for DEACS to support as many qualifying projects as possible. After close <br />examination of funding requests and subject to agreement with the applicant, DEACS may award <br />grant amounts lower than the original request. <br />• Successful applicants will be required to: <br />o Provide their federal tax ID number. <br />o Register with the state’s e-procurement system using the same address provided in the <br />applicant’s proposal. To register in the state’s e-procurement system or confirm/update your <br />existing registration, please visit the following link: <br />o Submit a Conflict of Interest Policy using the following template or submitting a copy of <br />your organization’s existing policy: <br />offered/grants-local-governments#Forms <br />• All applicants selected for funding will undergo a compliance review to ensure that they do not have <br />an outstanding Notice of Violation (NOV) related to North Carolina solid waste statutes and rules. <br />Any outstanding NOVs must be corrected to the satisfaction of the N.C. Division of Waste <br />Management (DWM) prior to any grant being awarded. Applicants with outstanding NOVs are <br />responsible for providing DEACS with information from DWM indicating that the community is in <br />compliance and that the NOVs have been corrected before a grant contract can be initiated. <br />• DEACS will submit a request through the DEQ contract processing system for a grant contract. <br />Grantees must act to execute the resultant grant contract without excessive delay. <br /> <br />NOTE: Successful applicants that make purchases before a grant contract is signed by both DEQ and <br />the grant recipient will not be reimbursed. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A