Orange County NC Website
5 <br />• Special Requirements for Public School Recycling Projects: Local governments may apply for <br />funding to support public school recycling projects, but must provide the supplemental information <br />outlined below to ensure that all necessary school recycling program elements are addressed and to <br />help demonstrate project planning. This is a competitive grant program and projects that institute or <br />expand a system-wide school recycling program will compete better than projects that only serve an <br />individual school. Eligible grant projects may seek funding for equipment (such as bins and roll <br />carts) and/or education materials. As with other CWRAR projects, administrative expenses, staff <br />salaries and contract collection costs are not eligible for grant funding nor can they be used as <br />matching funds. If a public school system will be contributing funds towards the implementation of <br />a recycling grant project, these funds should be paid to the state grantee in order to ensure that the <br />state grantee makes the purchases associated with the grant project. All purchases associated with a <br />grant project must be made by the grantee. Purchases made directly by a public school system shall <br />not be eligible for reimbursement. Please contact Mel Gilles at 919-707-8127, <br /> or Sandy Skolochenko at 919-707-8147, for <br />information or assistance with public school recycling projects. <br /> <br /> School Recycling Supplemental Requirements: <br />1. Describe the existing school recycling program (if any) that is available in the school system <br />associated with the grant project. The description should include the following items: <br />• Indicate whether recycling service is available to all schools within the district or only to <br />certain schools within the district. <br />• If recycling collection presently exists or if this project implements a new school <br />recycling service, then please indicate the recycling service provider (e.g. indicate <br />whether the collection of recyclables is provided by public school system employees, by <br />a specific local government, or through a contracted or third-party service provider). <br />• Provide a list of the recyclable materials accepted by the program and indicate how the <br />materials are to be collected (single stream, dual stream, source separated). <br />• Indicate where the recyclables are going after they are collected (provide the name of the <br />materials processor). <br />2. List all of the public agencies and/or departments that collaborate to assist with or operate <br />the school recycling program and list the role of each entity. Examples could include the <br />local educational authority (school district), municipal and/or county solid waste <br />management departments. Ideally, a holistic school system recycling program should include <br />cooperation between the community’s public recycling program and the public school <br />system. <br />3. If a system-wide school recycling program is in place, explain if and how this grant will <br />expand recycling throughout the school system and note whether this grant project is part of <br />a phased plan. <br />4. A designated recycling contact should be established for each school facility participating in <br />the recycling program. Examples of designated contacts might include school facility <br />manager, head custodian, the faculty coordinator or leader of a group or club, the principal, <br />or school administrator. Please provide a list of schools to be served by this project and the <br />designated recycling contact for each school including the name and title of the designated <br />contact. <br />5. Indicate the locations where recycling containers are or will be placed at the school facilities <br />(e.g. classrooms, cafeterias, hallways, athletic fields, administrative offices, library, copy <br />rooms, etc.). <br />6. Indicate who will be responsible for emptying the recycling containers (e.g. custodian / <br />cleaning staff, teachers, students, student groups, etc.). <br />7. Provide a plan for promoting recycling within the schools impacted by the grant project as <br />well as a plan for educating staff and students about the program. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A