Orange County NC Website
4 <br />In addition to this written certification, applicants should describe how disposal tax funds are utilized <br />and whether proceeds will be used to supply matching funds. <br />• Public Building Recycling Services: CWRAR Grants will not be awarded to applicants that do not <br />have recycling services for cans, bottles and paper available at their government buildings. As part <br />of the grant proposal, all applicants must indicate that employees in the key government buildings <br />operated by the applicant have reasonable access to recycling services and are able and encouraged <br />to recycle materials generated in the course of government business. Please include a list of the <br />materials collected for recycling at these facilities. <br />• Mercury Product Recycling: G.S. § 130A-310.60 requires that any public agency using state funds <br />for the construction or operation of public buildings shall establish a program for the collection and <br />recycling of all spent fluorescent lights and thermostats that contain mercury generated in public <br />buildings. As part of the grant proposal, all applicants must indicate that they have a program in <br />place for the collection of fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats from their public buildings. If <br />the applicant does not have a program in place for the collection of these materials, then as a <br />precondition of any grant award the applicant must initiate such services. For more information <br />about these requirements and / or for assistance implementing a mercury products recycling program <br />please contact Sandy Skolochenko at 919-707-8147, <br /> <br />Special Requirements: <br />Applicants seeking funding for recycling education, public school recycling, away-from-home recycling <br />and/or electronics recycling MUST address the following Special Requirement(s) in their submitted <br />proposal. <br /> <br />• Special Requirements for Recycling Education/Enforcement Projects: Applicants should contact <br />Mel Gilles at (919) 707-8127, or Sandy Skolochenko at (919) 707-8147, <br />, to discuss a project before applying. <br />1. Provide a list of the recyclable materials accepted by the program and indicate how the <br />materials are to be collected (single stream, dual stream, source separated). If the grant <br />application is for regional outreach materials, all local governments or entities participating <br />must agree on a common list of materials for recycling and provide that common accepted <br />list with the grant application. <br />2. If the grant application is for regional outreach materials, a letter of agreement and support <br />must be provided by each local government or entity participating in the proposed grant <br />project. Each participating entity should establish and provide a designated recycling <br />contact for project coordination. <br />3. Identify the primary message of the outreach effort. <br />4. Indicate whether you will be using your own design or if you will be using DEACS <br />customizable design services. <br />information/customized-outreach-materials <br />5. Supply mock-ups or example graphics for the outreach materials, enforcement tags, or ads. <br />Are your materials dependent on words or images? <br />6. If the grant is awarded: <br />• Discuss the material design with your assigned DEACS grant manager as soon as <br />possible to ensure clear communication about the project content and timing. <br />• Documents must be submitted for review prior to printing or execution. Reviews may <br />take up to two weeks, so plan accordingly and submit well in advance of printing (not <br />days before going to print). It is often helpful to submit an initial draft for early <br />feedback. <br />• Post your community’s accepted recyclables list online. <br />• Program changes can affect the grant and messaging. Inform DEACS immediately if <br />program changes occur to determine if a contract amendment is needed. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A