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1 <br />2022 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />N.C. Department of Environmental Quality <br />Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service <br />The purpose of this grant program is to assist local governments with the implementation, expansion, and <br />improvement of waste reduction and recycling programs in North Carolina. The Division of Environmental <br />Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) administers the Community Waste Reduction and Recycling <br />Grant program through the Solid Waste Management Outreach Program. <br />With the release of this Request for Proposals (RFP), DEACS is seeking proposals that request grant funding <br />to help initiate or expand public waste reduction programs within the state. Applicants should carefully <br />read this entire RFP prior to submitting a proposal. Proposals must be received by DEACS by 5:00 <br />p.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2022. Please address any questions about this grant program to Sandy <br />Skolochenko at (919) 707-8147, <br />Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Parameters: <br />The 2022 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling (CWRAR) Grant Program seeks to fund projects that <br />help communities build lasting capacity to divert materials from the waste stream and / or that increase <br />public awareness of waste reduction and recycling. There are two categories of CWRAR Grants for 2022: <br />Priority Project Grants and Standard Project Grants. Different levels of grant funding are available for each <br />project category. <br />Available Funding: <br />•Priority Project: Applicants are eligible for a Priority Project grant award of up to $40,000. <br />•Standard Project: Applicants are eligible for a Standard Project grant award of up to $30,000. <br />Priority Project Grants: <br />Priority Project Grants support investments in public recycling program areas that have been determined by <br />the state recycling program to be of particular importance to growing and expanding efficient and effective <br />waste reduction and recycling services throughout North Carolina. <br />2022 CWRAR priorities include: <br />•Projects that fund outreach enforcement efforts (e.g., tagging program) to reduce contamination in <br />the recycling stream and improve material quality. If seeking funding for educational enforcement <br />efforts, please see additional provisions in the Special Requirements section. <br />•Projects that divert food waste from landfill disposal by implementing or expanding collection, <br />management, and recycling of food waste from residential or commercial sources. <br />•Projects that establish or expand glass recycling collection. To qualify as a Priority Project, the <br />community must collect glass to be recycled by a downstream glass recycling processor, not to be <br />sent for end-use applications such as aggregate or daily cover. <br />•Projects that implement new permanent Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) programs or that <br />expand existing permanent HHW programs. To qualify as a Priority Project, a newly established <br />permanent HHW program must be open to collect HHW from the public at least four (4) separate <br />days during any given fiscal year and an existing HHW program must significantly increase the <br />number of days or hours of operation so that citizens have improved access to HHW services. <br />DEQ CONTRACT CW28274 <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 117859D8-9201-40FF-B2C2-8357CA71FC1A