Orange County NC Website
b . Provider shall be responsible for all Provider, subcontractor, and sub - subcontractor errors or <br /> omissions , in the performance of the Agreement together with the errors and omissions of any <br /> agent or employee of the Provider or any subcontractor or sub - subcontractor . Provider shall <br /> correct any and all errors, omissions , discrepancies, ambiguities , mistakes or conflicts at no <br /> additional cost to the County . <br /> c . Provider is an independent contractor of the County . Any and all employees of the Provider <br /> engaged by the Provider in the performance of any work or services required of the Provider <br /> under this Agreement, shall be considered employees or agents of the Provider only and not of <br /> the County, and any and all claims that may or might arise under any workers compensation or <br /> other law or contract on behalf of said employees while so engaged shall be the sole obligation <br /> and responsibility of the Provider . <br /> d . Provider shall at all times remain in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws , <br /> rules , and regulations including but not limited to all state and federal - discrimination laws , <br /> policies , rules , and regulations and the Orange County Non-Discrimination Policy and Orange <br /> County Living Wage Policy (each policy is incorporated herein by reference and may be viewed <br /> at ttp : // v . oran e�nt ov/departments/purchasing division/contracts . p p) o Any <br /> violation of the Orange County Non-Discrimination Policy is a breach of this Agreement and <br /> County may immediately terminate this Agreement without further obligation on the part of the <br /> County . This paragraph is not intended to limit and does not limit the definition of breach to <br /> discrimination . <br /> e . If activities related to the performance of this Agreement require specific licenses , certifications, <br /> or related credentials Provider represents that it and/or its employees , agents and subcontractors <br /> engaged in such activities possess such licenses , certifications , or credentials and that such <br /> licenses certifications , or credentials are current, active , and not in a state of suspension or <br /> revocation . <br /> f. The Provider shall supervise and direct the Work efficiently and with the Provider ' s best skill <br /> and attention . Except as specifically set forth in the Contract Documents the Provider shall be <br /> solely responsible for the means , methods , techniques , sequences and procedures of <br /> construction, and for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work . The <br /> Provider shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accurately with the Contract <br /> Documents . <br /> g . Provider commits to making best efforts to retain two Orange County residents as employees for <br /> the first five years of Network construction and operation . In the event the total Orange County <br /> residents employed by Provider is less than two , Provider ' s best efforts shall include recruitment <br /> of County residents , particularly those at local County colleges . <br /> h . The Provider shall attend all progress conferences and all other meetings or conferences either <br /> in-person or remotely . The Provider shall be represented at these progress conferences by <br /> Provider employees with decision-making authority and by such other representatives as the <br /> County may direct . <br /> 12 . SUBAWARD TO PROVIDER <br /> 10 <br />