Agenda - 03-19-2002 - 8d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-19-2002
Agenda - 03-19-2002 - 8d
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Last modified
3/6/2017 4:08:06 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:37:18 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2002 S EMS - OCR, Inc. (Orange County Speedway)
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2002
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/ 3 <br /> 2. The County agrees to provide one ambulance, two (2)paramedics with <br /> equipment, and three (3)Emergency Medical Technicians for scheduled spectator events. <br /> Additional coverage will be negotiated at the time of need. <br /> 3. The County agrees to keep records of patients seen at the Speedway while <br /> covering Speedway events under this contract and,with the consent of the patient,to <br /> provide such records to the Speedway, upon its request. Data available to the County <br /> from the records of patients seen at the Speedway which is clearly not patient identifying <br /> may be provided to the Speedway,upon request of the Speedway and when appropriate. <br /> 4. The Speedway shall compensate the County for emergency medical services <br /> provided pursuant to this contract by paying to the County a sum based on a rate of <br /> $50.00 per hour per paramedic, $50.00 per ambulance, and$20.00 per each additional <br /> EMT(above the two included with the ambulance) for each event covered. These hours <br /> will include preparation and travel time of one(1)hour for each event plus the coverage <br /> time per event. The county shall submit an invoice for these events on a regular basis and <br /> payment by the Speedway shall be made to the order of the County and mailed to Orange <br /> County Emergency Management ,P. O. Box 8181,Hillsborough,N. C. 27278. <br /> 5. The personnel providing the emergency medical services shall report to the <br /> Speedway at the time agreed upon by the Speedway and the County. <br /> 6. The contract may be reviewed annually no later than January 1, and may be <br /> renewed,modified, or amended at that time, or at any other time,upon the mutual <br /> written agreement of the parties. <br /> 7. This contract may be terminated at any time by either party by giving 90 days <br /> notice to the other party in writing. <br />
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